Chapter 0, the Note

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Authors note: This is a remake and expansion of a fragment of a story that my friend wrote, where I center it on Adam, one of the original Main Characters two best friends. As I don't have my friends permission, I will not be sharing the original.  As such, there will be some references  and callouts to the original that nobody will get. I also apologize for all the inside jokes and references that most people won't get. Sorry about that~

The smart stupid one-

I can't be sure since I've lost all means of measuring the date, but it's probably been around three years since it happened. If you somehow don't know what I mean since you've been living under a rock until now, I suggest you get back under there. It's probably the only safe place left. If you can't, then let me bring you up to speed. In these three years the human sphere has ceased to exist. And now you need to run. That's all that matters to you now. If you survive, find any other journals I've left behind, they'll fill you in on the less important details and catch you up on what's been happening since I wrote this. If you're curious about me, I was part of a group. We were friends before it happened, and we met up after we went on the run. Then, a couple months back we messed up and got separated again, but I've been able to keep track of a few of us, even if it is by finding their bodies.

If you're reading this dear leader, or Mr. firecracker, I'll be waiting at what's shattered in a rwby. Unfortunately you'll need to bring your own air. And dear leader, I got your notes, and quite frankly I'm offended you didn't leave a return address. 

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