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Stoica walked beside Monica as they headed to the Dark Nebula base. It wasn't long before they saw it. Zenet knocked on the door, and it opened to reveal Doji and Reji holding up launchers, but it was more of a defensive position than an offensive position.

"Doji! Reji! It's us. We need your help again," Zenet said. Doji and Reji lowered their launchers and relaxed.

"Glad it's you and not the others," Doji said. "Please, come in." The group followed the two inside the Dark Nebula base. Monica seemed to be keeping her distance from Reji. Stoica could see Zenet rolling her eyes.

Once they reached what was similar to a lobby in a hotel, Zenet explained how they got there and what they needed from Doji. Doji nodded once she was done. "The others haven't been up to anything as far as we know, but usually when that happens they are planning something big. We'll work on finding them for you, though we might not be able to find everyone."

"Any of them will do. We just need to beat one of them to get out of here," Zenet said.

"Reji, go inform everyone and explain what's going on. Tell them to keep an eye out for that evil group," Doji ordered. Reji nodded and headed off. "Until we can find one of them, I suggest you all stay out of sight. We don't want that evil group getting any ideas in their heads."

Monica nodded. "Sounds good to me," she replied. She seemed to relax a little more since Reji left the room.

"So, how have things been around here lately?" Zenet asked.

"Well, still not the best. We can never seem to win. Ever since Ryuga left us we haven't had the fighting strength to win our battles since Reji and I aren't strong enough to beat your evil selves," Doji explained.

"At least someone in this world had some sense," Ryuga growled.

"You know, you wouldn't like yourself in this world," Zenet told him. Ryuga stared at her with narrowed eyes as she continued. "In this world, sure, you're just as strong, but you're much nicer, and aren't very confident."

"Ryuga? Not confident? I'll believe that when I see it," Yu said.

"You just might if he's the one we find," Zenet replied.

"Now I'm hoping," Yu said, with a goofy smile.

Ryuga growled and glared at Yu but Yu just stuck his tongue out at Ryuga and stuck close to Tsubasa.

"I'm going to go and help Reji inform everyone on the situation. While I'm gone please make yourselves at home," Doji said, walking off.

"I never thought Doji could be so nice," Kenta said once he was gone.

"Believe it. In this world, everything is almost completely different from the way we know it," Zenet replied.

"Is there more people here than just Doji and Reji?" Benkei asked.

"There's the Dark Nebula's elite bladers but we never really notice anybody else. The only two that usually talk to us are Doji and Reji," Monica answered.

"People must have left the Dark Nebula once it was defeated," Kenta guessed.

"The Dark Nebula doesn't exist in our world anymore," Stoica murmured under his breath.

"Lighten up, grumpy," Monica teased.

"So now what do we do?" Gingka asked.

"I for one don't want to be here any longer than we have to," Stoica growled.

"For once I agree with the hot-head," Ryuga added. Stoica glared at Ryuga and Ryuga returned his gaze.

"How about we keep those two from fighting until we get out of here?" Tsubasa suggested.

Monica glanced at Zenet. "Zenet?"

Zenet nodded and Zenet pushed Ryuga away from Stoica while Monica pushed Stoica away from Ryuga.

Madoka sighed. "This is going to be a long day."

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