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I was the girl that stayed quiet during the whole class, playing with the bracelets on my wrist and taking notes as the teacher spoke. I didn't consider the lesson very interesting however, but if I managed to pass all my classes this semester I would get an iPod. Well atleast that's what my parents and I agreed to.

Newton' s First Law of Motion, okay maybe I take back the part where I said the lesson wasn't interesting, 'cause it is. I jot down everything on the board and a few things that my Science teacher said.

The annoying sound of the bell rang, signaling the end of class. I was about to walk out the door when the teacher called me. I guess it was the countless times I got in trouble last year that made me feel all quizzy inside.

"Yeah?" I bit my bottom lip so it wouldn't quiver and let her know how nervous I was.

"I have seen you do an exellent job these past weeks, and I know that Science wasn't your greatest point." She did this universal pause in which you know there is a- "but, we are towards the end of the quarter and your paper from a month ago is pulling you down. I think it's best if you remake that as soon as possible. Maybe this afternoon?"


"Today isn't a great day, I have a lot of stuff going on. Um maybe Wednesday?" February 30th? hah! Such a good come back, I'll tell-

"Good. Have a good day Gwen."

"You too."

I wanted to give myself a pat on the back, life was finally going great for me.

"Hey, pickles!" Micheal threw a hand over my shoulders.

"Sup, barf face." Miembry waved from beside him. I was unamused at their nicknames for me.

''Hi guys." I groaned as I felt someone else's presence beside me. ''Hi George, are you ever gon' give up on trying to scare me."

George laughed and let out a "Nope".

It was in these moments that I loved the most about being Gwendylan Greene.

''Gwen, go wash Jack and Jeremy's hands while I set the table. Your dad will be home in a few and I want to make everything special for his birthday!" Mom gushed.

''Sure.'' I mentally groaned. "Jack! Jer! There is this cool Spiderman toy in the sink. Who wants it?"

Soon I heard small thumps coming down the stairs and I picked up the twins in an effort to wash their hands.

''Where is it Gwen?" Jeremy asked. "Yeah, where is spidaman?" Jack fumbled with his words.

Oh crap.

"You see, he stole Harry Potter's invisible cloak and put it on. That's why you can't see him until after diner." I felt triumphant at my smart lie. "Now, lets go see if Mom needs help."

Nonetheless, we all sat on the table ten minutes later enjoying one of Mom's delicious inventions. Of course, the bad thing was that nothing really lasts good for a long time in my family, before one of us -if not all- ruins it.

In this case it began in the form of mashed potatoes. See, Dad and Mom were having a bit of banter and Jack being the messiest, threw some potato at Jeremy. Jeremy who was very clean, got angry and threw some broccoli at Jack. And it went like this for a while before soon they began to throw bigger chunks of food. By this time, Mom and Dad had finally noticed and guess who got the blame? Me. I mean sure I wasn't the best sister for telling them to stop instead of laughing, but come on!

In the end I was the last to leave the kitchen because I was ordered to clean up their mess and wash the dishes.

Oh but this was only stage one. The following consisted of me babysitting J&J while my parents went out to celebrate. This calls for the F Triplets.




And it was in these moments that I disliked being Gwendylan Greene.

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