Created by Me.
This is true events and a personal experience that I haven't yet came to terms with, and this has been an investigation so far, but it remains unexplainable.
When I was in my bed, tirelessly trying to get to sleep, except for the eerie feelings I was getting, and I shouldn't have because my door was open wide, with my brothers and my father right next to me, their bedroom doors open too.
I had laid on my sides and stomach flipping around, deciding to listen to music to help me. So I was just about to sleep when the power cut out, and my iPod died at the same time which was completely weird.
I got up and went to look around at my brothers and father and mother too see if they were awake, and I don't get scared easily, but this feeling had me so on edge, this I felt like I was going to have a panic attack.
I drank some water as calmed down a bit, and went up to my room. I was using my iPod as a light and when I walked in something wasn't right. All of my papers and clothes were moved around and my bed was slid down a bit.
I just brushed it off and laid down, but when I did that, I heard some footsteps and running around in my room. And it sounded like the type of footsteps you heard in those movies with the little creatures.
I started freaking out, considering I knew I was awake. 100% sure I was. I even made sure I was and I dumped water on myself. And if things could get any worse I was pinned down to the bed, and tried screaming but nothing came out.
On the verge of a panic attack, I say something at the end of my bed. And how I describe it as "Terrifying." It was a small creature, no bigger than my brother and no smaller than a 3 year old. It's eyes were huge and oval.
I was immensely freaked out by this, and starting to get more scared than before. I could feel it as mean. And if things could get any worse I passed out, and woke up again, but this time I was in a big white room.
This room had a blinding light and I was truly freaked out. After that I suddenly retuned home. But that wasn't the end of it, no. I was again brought to that white room.
This was two days later the same occurrences happened and this time when I woke up in the same area I got up and I heard people everywhere. Women here, men there, even little kids screaming to get out.
I hadn't seen any but I heard them. There was also the possibility I couldn't see where I was going because I was blinded by the light. But when I heard a man yell "They're Coming!" I had it and ran.
I ran for so long that when I was about to stop for breath, I ran into something hard like a wall. I knocked myself out too. But when I woke up I was on a table.
I was on a table and the weird looking creatures were around me. I looked down and my chest was wide open. I could see my internal body. I was mortified.
I could feel everything too, the pain. It felt like it went on for ages, like what did I do to be tortured like this? The were poking at my heart and they were poking needles in my side and everything.
I was about to scream, but the next thing I knew I was in my bed. No clothes on except for underwear and a bra, but my clothes I was wearing were folded next to me. And I was in the living room. Where I didn't go to sleep.
I ran too the bathroom quickly to get changed but noticed there wasn't any scar anywhere, except for a bloody nose I got and my glasses were all broken, and there was an IVY type needle stuck in my side.
That night when I ran up to my room and laid there with no where else to sleep, I was in pitch black. The. I noticed my window. It was weird.
My window was wide open and suddenly some very very bright orb like lights appeared, but it went up in the sky and disappeared rather quickly.
Since then I have had this fear of being alone in places and in my room. And if the power went out I would go to a family members room.
It still haunts me every day.

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