Chapter 5

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I don't know what to say as I don't remember giving him my number, and he may have drugged me. Not to mention, teasing me all night and then not following through in the end.

Before I can process anything my stomach starts to gurgle and I run to the bathroom as fast as I can, narrowly making it. I wince as the contents of my stomach make their way into my toilet. Once I'm done throwing up I sit back against the wall behind me, breathing deeply, and wipe the tears from my eyes.

What am I going to do? Obviously I want Oliver, that's not a question. But I don't think he's interested in me, let alone boys in general. I mean, he obviously isn't homophobic if he helped me out, but that doesn't mean he's into guys. He clenched his jaw really hard last night when he saw Micah and I; so maybe he is homophobic, but is kind enough to help anyways? I don't know what's happening with that situation, but I do know that Micah either drugged me or gave me alcohol poisoning so he's not a good suitor, no matter how hot he is.

I decide against answering his text, and get up to brush my teeth once I know my stomach is done causing chaos. Once properly cleaned and hydrated I head back to bed to enjoy my last three hours of sleep. At least, I thought it would be three hours, but turns out I forgot to set my alarm so I didn't wake up until 12pm, hours after I was supposed to be at work.

I shoot up and hurry to get dressed, opting for comfy joggers and a casual band tee, as I don't have the willpower to put on anything beyond that. As soon as I'm dressed and have my teeth brushed, I grab a snack from my pantry and run downstairs. As I burst through the door, I search for my parents, only finding my mom behind the counter with a book in her hands. She looks up and smiles at me softly. "How are you feeling?" She asks, in the sweet voice I've always been accustomed to.

"I'm okay, why didn't you wake me up? I seem to have forgotten to set my alarms for this morning." I question, my voice soft, as not to upset my head. I walk up and lean my head on her shoulder, as her arm comes around my own to play with my hair.

"I was going to, but you looked like you had a rough night and I couldn't do that to my baby so I let you sleep in. I figured it was going to be a slow day anyways, truth be told the most excitement that has happened is Lucio coming by with his nephew. I have no idea what they are doing here, as your dad and Lucio just had boys' night; I guess even after all these years they are still joined at the hip. They are in the backroom, go say hi to your uncle and let your father know that you're awake." She nudged me towards the curtain to the backroom and gave me another smile, before returning to her book.

I trudge back to say hello to my uncle, who isn't really my uncle, but my dads best friend. My eyes sweep over the room, as I only see my dad and Lucio, his nephew seemed to be missing from the equation, weird. When the two men notice me, giant smiles cross their faces.

"Rowan! My favorite adopted nephew!" Lucio exclaims at the same time my dad teases, "It took you long enough to wake up!"

I smile back and give Lucio a big hug, "It's great to see you Uncle Lucio, and yes, I'm finally awake. I had a horrible night filled with illness, dear father. Mom told me that you brought your nephew? I've never met any of your actual family members, so where is the squirt?" I ask, genuinely curious.

Just as I'm finishing my sentence the bathroom door opens, causing my breath to catch in my throat as the most handsome man walks out of it. He fixes the cuffs of his dress shirt casually, and lifts his dark eyes to mine. I can feel my cheeks heat up as the right corner of his lips tilt up.

"Rowan, this 'little squirt' is my nephew, Oliver. I hear that you guys have already met though." There's a heavy tone of amusement clouding Lucio's words as my mouth runs dry and I have no idea what to say.

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