Living life young

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"Ok, thank you Kennedy, please just make sure you have some breakfast for me on my desk, i haven't had time to eat this morning and an extra strong decafe latte with my skim milk, you know how I take it" I prattle on to my PA and one of my closest friends over my earpiece while stridding through the bustling streets of Manhattan and quickly squeeze into the Starbucks to get what must be my fourth coffee of the morning in the last two hours, I guess you could say I'm a bit of an addict. "can do, Lis, I'll have Soph go down and pick something up for you while I set up the conference venue for the presentation. We are completely ready for it, right?" Kennedy replied calling me "lis", the nickname she gave me instead of  calling me "lissa" like everyone else did "thank heavens for you two lifesavers,  I'm starving! Ofcourse we're ready for this thing! I slept at four this morning,  going over it and perfecting it! Tell Soph I said thanks a mil, traffic's heavy as per usual so I should see you in about 45?" I replied, talking about Sophia, Kenz' PA and a good friend to both of us. Now I know what you're thinking,  my PA has a PA? Shocker! Cue the gasps! but it's hardly a surprise,  seeing as Oasis, the company that I'm working for,  has a huge marketing department. Anyhow, I ended my call and placed my usual order with the barista and quickly scanned my notes for my presentation and checked once again in my purse to insure that my usb drive that has my PowerPoint was in there, thank goodness it was. "Alissa", I look up as the barista calls out my name while holding my coffee and I quickly gather all my notes and my purse, rush off towards her, picking up my order while throwing her a hurried smile and finally turning to leave.

At least me leaving was what was supposed to happen if it wasn't for someone who decided to bump into me and get coffee all over my outfit. Cue internal shriek. Ok, so we have, in this very moment,  a number of problems.  1)  someone just spilt MY coffee, that I just paid for. 2)  Someone just spilt MY coffee. That I just paid for. All over my outfit.  3) Said outfit is what I'm meant to be doing my presentation in. 4) Said presentation is happening in just under two hours. 5) Right now,  I don't really like my train of thought and I am not a happy camper. Someone has a death wish. I take deep breaths and with my eyes closed and jaws clenched I say "Did you just spill MY coffee all over MY WHITE Givenchy peplum dress and Jimmy Choos?" Deep breaths Lissa, deep breaths. "In which world is it okay to do that? No! let me rephrase that, in which world is that acceptable?" I take another deep breath and open my hazel eyes, which right now, I'm pretty sure are spitting fire and I finally look up at the perpetrator and juke like that, all the fight just leaves my body. I just, deflate as I look at this gorgeous, tall man, with his broad shoulders and his blue-green eyes and dark, mahogany brown hair. The epitome of tall, dark and swoon worthy handsome.  Why hello there, aren't you looking fine dressed in that metallic grey armani suit and roulex! And then I suddenly think of myself, with my caramel skin and size 12 body. Pretty plain, if you asked me. I mean the only things that I liked about myself,  was my almond shaped hazel eyes, my flawless skin, well flawless where it counts, silver stripes and stretch marks are hiding where they should be, thankfully I lucked out on the hair genes because of my mixed father and I got his long lashes to, thank you mama for getting yourself a mixed man! All in all I was ok, told by many I was pretty, but I wasn't seeing it. I suddenly focus back on this gorgeous piece of living art that is profusely apologising and looking so shocked and I feel mad again, this time at myself for almost letting this man get me sidetracked with the problem at hand, "....a new outfit and pay for the dry cleaning of this one" he rumbles lowly in his baritone voice. Yum. Wait!  Absolutely not yum! "As if I was going to let you walk away without agreeing to pay for dry cleaning,  good thing you said it yourself!" I see his mouth quirk up at the sides and his eyes dance in amusement as I speak "And I can't exactly wait to have a new outfit tomorrow! I need one now! As in right now!  I have a presentation in less than two hours and I don't have time to get home and change right now with this traffic!" Heavens above, why do you hate me so?! I mean I can't pitch up at the office looking like this! Because let me tell you something,  Oasis pays everyone, right down to our janitors an amazing salary to ensure everyone who works there dresses to their impeccable best and gives the company a good name. And managers, which include myself, get a generous shopping allowance to ensure no one has an excuse not to look impeccable, so me showing up at Oasis looking like this is a huge no-no! Now as I'm explaing this dilemma to Mr sexy stranger he suddenly cuts me off and says "why don't you come to my place, which is down this street, and shower there, while your clothes get dry cleaned, I can push for it to be done in an hour. That way, you'll be done in time to get to work on time for your presentation" I stare at him incredulously, this guy has jokes, I mean who the hell just goes to some stranger's house? He could be a rapist or a serial killer for all I know! Reading my expression correctly, he quirks an eyebrow up, smirks and says "it's your best and only option right now and you know it, besides, I'm none of those things," whoops, were those thoughts vocalised? "you'll be in safe hands with me" and with that he turns around and starts walking towards the door, expecting me to follow! I mean, my goodness! The nerve! Well it is my only option and I am pretty desperate... Desperate times call for desperate measures right? And so, I chased after him. When I finally caught up to him, he turned around and stopped to face me, in the middle of the bustling and crowded street. He then stuck his hand out at me and with a slight grin he said, "the name is Ashton", bewildered at how he was so at ease, just introducing himself to me like this, in such a situation, in the middle of a busy street, all I could do was stick my own hand out to grasp his, as I stared at him dumbfounded and said "Alissa,  nice to meet you Ashton" not.



Hey guys so this is my first time writing a story ever! *ahhhh the nerves! the nerves!* lol but I hope you like it! Guys, please do me a favour and don't be a ghost reader and vote and comment (vomment, lol) on it, it would be much appreciated. Thanks you stunners♥ xxx

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