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The grey Tom finally let his eyes close after all those long moons. His pelt lied flat, and he finally felt at ease as Millie licked his ears, sobbing softly.

Graystripe opened his eyes, to be nose to nose with a green eyed, flame pelted tom.
"You always were a heavy sleeper Graystripe." Firestar chided gently as his grey friend purred loudly, nuzzling his cheek.
"Welcome to StarClan dear friend. I've missed you."
Graystripe scrambled out of his nest. "I've missed you too - now, What forbidden adventure are we going on today?" He asked softly with a fond purr. "Stealing prey from RiverClan? Sneaking into WindClan."
Firestar purred in response.
"I think stealing prey from RiverClan would be fun."
"Why RiverClan?"
A sleek silver body wound itself around him, writhing her sweet scent around him.
"Have you forgotten about me already?" A soft voice teased.
A lick to his cheek followed.
"I've missed you daddy." Feathertail's voice chided from his other side.
"Silverstream. F-Feathertail!" Graystripe purred loudly, eyes shining.
"Welcome home daddy."

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