The Beginning: All Around Me.

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"Hey guys! Am I late for work?"

I said as I stormed inside the cafe. All the crew inside looked at me. I was scared I'd be late. I wouln't be able to give a good impression to Mr. Carter, the manager of the shop.

"Just in time, Ms. Frey."

Mr. Carter said as he sipped from his cup of coffee.

"Now, I want all of you to be polite and gentle. Some people here are grumpy. Please be patient with them. If ever there are troubles, don't hesitate to call me and I'll handle everything else. Understand?"

He said as he stood up from one of the stools near the counter. He was giving some last-minute instructions to us before we open shop.

We could see some people waiting outside. Most of them came from their early morning walk while some just needed a cup of coffee.

"For your assigned places, Ms. Frey and Ms. Quinn will be on Station A while Ms. Jessie Smiths and Mr. Jacob Brookes will be in the Counter. Any more questions?"

"None so far."

We all said in unison.

He clapped his hand and headed for the front door.

"Well, time to open the shop!"

He said with a huge smile as he opened the door. People went in. Not that many though, it was a Monday.

I hovered by the counter and observed the customers. Some looked fine, some looked happy, some look troubled while some looked a bit mad. Wow. Different people come and go here. Cool.

"Hey, Alana. How's work?"

A voice from behind said. It was Jessie.

"Hey Jess! I missed you! Well, I'm doing good. How 'bout you?"

"Pretty fine. How about you Jacob?"


He said as he played with the cups.

Jessie Smith was one of my best buds in school before. Me, Quinn and her used to hang out a lot. But since her parents had to move, she has to transfer school. Leaving me and Quinn all by ourselves.

Jacob Brookes. Um. He was my crush last schoolyear. Such a good guy and a hottie. He was really close to me till the day he knew I liked him. Some bitch in school exposed my diary. Miranda Willow, ultimate bully, read my diary out loud over the paging system. The whole school laughed at me. Couple of weeks after, I approached him and asked of we were still friends. Well, he just looked at me with shame and went away. Heh, well I got over him. He's just some random guy I see in school everyday. Nothing more.

Mr. Edward Carter, my uncle's buddy. Such a cool man. Very kind, too. He never failed to help me and many other people who goes in the shop.

Well, better get to work!

----------- After work -------------

"Good job guys! This what great for your first time! Now all of you, get home before it rains tonight. Good night!"

Mr. Carter said as he waved goodbye to us.

The 4 of us strolled down the street and talked about how our day went.

Jacob, on the other hand, was too quiet.

What a jerk.

"So Alana, seeya tomorrow!"

Quinn said with a huge smile on her face. She gave me a big hug. So did, Jessie. Jacob just remained silent. I waved goodbye then headed inside.

"Mom, I'm home!"

"Hey there, sweetie! How was your first day?"

"Swell. Have you eaten dinner already?"

"I did sweetie. I prepared some for you. Come, let's go to the kitchen."

My mother's such a lovely woman. Even though you can see in her eyes of how sad she is, she never showed us how weak and hurt she was. She supported me throughout my whole life. She never failed to take care of me and my brother, Adrian.

On the good side, she's healing. She got so depressed when my father left. A Psychiatrist always came her to give her some therapy. Luckily, with the help of me and Adrian, she was able to eventually recover.

I finished my dinner and went up to my mother and kissed her goodnight.

Then I went upstairs to change and go to sleep.


"What a tiring day!"

I said as I took off all my clothes, leaving me in bras and panties.

I threw myself to my comfty bed and my eyes began to close.

"Goodnight mum. Goodnight world. Seeya all tomorrow."

I mumbled as I dozed off.



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