Chapter 1: My turtle Vodka

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I can't see, but I dream.

And sometimes, even dreaming is scary. Because it means that you want to do something in life, to become someone, to have a purpose. I don't want that, at least not now. But my mom and I have different point's of view in that topic. She believes that I'm ready for the big step. I'm not even ready to choose my own clothes. Then how I'm supposed to go to school? I used to think that she was making lame jokes like always. But that was until yesterday, when she arrived and said that she had a wonderful day at work. I just knew that something was wrong. Then, at dinner she told me the wonderful news. Everyone was so happy. Expect me, of course. It's not them who are going to have a really bad time there. The only good thing teenagers do now days is to complain about their perfect lives. To add that they will make fun of me as soon as I set a foot on the school campus.

I wasn't born blind, it came with the time. I don't remember much about the things around me. Since a very young age I lost my vision. Vaguely I remember my face, and that was when I was three years old. People used to ask me if I missed the good life. I just laugh at how ridiculous they sound. You cannot miss something you never had. For me is pretty normal, but for others it isn't. My family had learned to live with a disabled person. That would seem difficult for others, but not for them, they are awesome.

Noah and Nadine are my only two friends and also my siblings. Mom says that they have brown hair like me. She also told me that they have freckles, which makes them look like angels and have light blue eyes. I don't know how brown looks like or maybe I don't remember at all. Neither blue or angels, but I think that they, in my mind are beautiful like their personalities. They are twins and both have eighteen. Every morning Nadine makes me the same braid and Noah, who says to have good taste in fashion, pics my outfit for the day, even though I don't go outside. When they arrived from school every afternoon start to talk about how great their day was. Sometimes my emotions get mixed up and my hands want to slap their faces. But then I remember how good they are to me and I go back to my natural self.

Then there's Charles. He's a friend too, expect he's like forty years older than me, and my tutor. His wife Ana makes the best cookies you can ever taste and his son Tobias likes to play the chess with me, even though he's a little arrogant. Ever since I was born he has been teaching me everything he knows, here at my home. Now, Charles would have to come to school with me and listen to all those boring classes. Tobias says that the worst thing in life that can exist is school. I've never been at one, but I kinda believe him. He compares it a lot to a jail. To me a jail is the opposite of happiness. That means no ice cream and turtles. I hate the idea of been away from home the whole day without does two things.

"Did you feed Vodka?" I was lying on the bed, waiting for the death to come and get me. "Of course I did, what kind of mother do you think I am?" Nadine laugh in a soft way. Took my hand to help me to sit down in the right way so that she could be able to fix my hair.

Vodka is my turtle's name. I actually don't know what Vodka is, but one day Noah got home screaming that Vodka was the love of his life. A week later I got my turtle and name her after the love of his life. Mom grounded Noah the whole month and yet I don't know what was the tragedy of the situation. He was just expressing his feelings like we were taught to do.

"Ready for the big day?" Noah sat near me and disheveled my hair making Nadine angry. "Careful with what you do here, rat. This is my work." I took Noah by his arm and huge him like a giant teddy bear. "I wasn't born ready, why do you think I'm blind? I didn't come prepared for the world, not a hundred percent." There was a little silence and then three of us start to laugh. Both of them used to say that I was harsh with my jokes, but I liked to do that just of a reminder that being blind is a part of me, that I cannot changed that.

"Eva, I want you to know that everything is gonna be alright." Noah began with his speech and how cruel the world was going to be with be. But I already new that. "Can we talk about something else?" Changing the subject would really help me to not think about what the day was going to bring me. "How if we talk about boys?" Suggested Nadine, like if that would calm the waters. "Please use protection." I couldn't even react when I heard how Nadine jump over Noah for his absurd comment. "How can you say that? Beast, she's just a kid." I laughed really hard. This pair thought that I would go to do crazy things in my first day of school. Not only that, to do something crazy outside my home, my comfort zone. I cannot even find the cereal at the kitchen. I was about to say something when another voice was added to the conversation.

"Use protection for what?" That was my mom. The one that gave me life and got me into this problem. I understand why nobody said that parents would make your life easy. Because it was never going to happen, and it only gets worse. The best thing I could do now was to put a stop before the three of us ended punished. There will be plenty of time to complain. "For nothing. It was just your son saying nonsense."

My siblings got up and I knew that they're were about to leave my bedroom but before that, Noah sentenced his own death. "And so you know, at the end the beast found his beauty. Something that will never happen to you." I listen to their feet run down stairs and laugh for the childish behavior.

Rebecca, my mother, placed her hands on mine as a sign of support. "I love you sweetheart. I just want you to find who you really are." I finally got up from bed and opened my cane to go to the dressing table, took my glasses and put them on. I was mad, I was furious. That was because in some way Rebecca was telling the truth. To discover who I was inside these four walls was going to be mission impossible.

My uniform consisted of a pretty uncomfortable white skirt, that of course Noah chose with a pale pink collar blouse, according to him. I did not complain about my clothes or what my mother was doing to me. I knew I was going to lose the war even if I fought. "What are you waiting for? I will be late for class." Actually I had no clue of what she was doing, but surely she smiled for my little enthusiasm. She knew I wouldn't come home today with a smile but neither with tears, and that was what really matters. Staying here at home clearly wasn't an option. I'm not a coward butI would not consider myself a brave person given the circumstances.

Someone knocked on the door, asking if I was ready. The door was opened and for the smell of freshly baked cookies I assumed that it was Charles. I knew that my life was about to change. That when I got home today, if I did, everything would feel different.

I just nodded and walk slowly to my one and true love, my turtle.

"Goodbye Vodka, try to survive without me."

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