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"This...must be the place."

A man in his early twenties arrived at the front gates of a massive house. In front of him stood the Oletus Manor, the source of many morbid rumors regarding strange disappearances. Why he was here, he had no idea. Perhaps he wanted to discover the truth behind this mysterious building and to find the bodies of the missing individuals. Maybe here he would remember his own name.

He swallowed his anxiety and walked through the gates, carefully making his way to the front doors of the mansion. He opened them slowly, making an obnoxiously loud creak as he stepped into the main entryway. After closing the doors behind him, he was rather surprised at what he saw inside. There were more people here than he had expected, fourteen others to be exact.

"Hey! New guy! Over here!" A loud voice called out to him and he turned to see a man with a heavily athletic build in a football uniform waving. With a lack of other options, he adjusted his glasses and walked over to the man. "You're number fifteen, yeah? That means you're the last one, man!" The athlete exclaimed.

"Y-yeah, I guess." The boy responded nervously.

"Relax, man! I'm William Ellis. My friends at home call me Willy. You?" The athlete failed to completely articulate a few of his words like he was attempting to sound hip or cool. He rested the back of his hands on his hips with his chest puffed out and a football secured under his armpit.

The young man with glasses looked off to the side. "I um... I don't have a name... I don't remember it..."

The athlete's confident expression quickly changed into something more sympathetic. "Oh, damn... Well, what's your thing?"

"My what?"

"You know, whatcha got goin' for ya? What's your thing?"

The young man took a second to think about what he had. As far as he knew, he had nothing. He was simple, ordinary. He had short dirty-blonde hair combed to the left, big nerdy glasses, freckles on his cheeks, and deep turquoise eyes. He was relatively tall, but too thin to use something as boring as that as "his thing." He thought hard on the subject.

"Oh, um... I've won a few luck-based games in the past, if that means anything."

William smiled, "Luck?...Yeah, Yeah! Lucky Guy! That's it!"

"Lucky Guy?"

"Yeah, man! Your name is Lucky now!" William sounded exited about his decision. If only he wasn't so loud. Such a ridiculous name embarrassed poor Lucky, but it's not like he could come up with anything better.

Two girls nearby chuckled and Lucky turned his head towards them with his brows pointed upwards. "That's a pet's name, Mister Ellis. Surely you can do better." The woman who wore some type of formal uniform spoke first.

"How do you forget your name?" The other woman who was dressed in luxurious fabrics spoke second with a mocking tone.

"I, um... I don't--." Lucky was cut off by another woman who was dressed in a nurse's uniform.

"One can forget their name due to amnesia caused by a traumatic brain injury or some other event of the sorts."

"Very helpful dear, thank you." The woman in the fancy clothes retorted.

"It's ill manners to mock the unfortunate."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"You best." The nurse walked off, irritated with the rich woman's behavior.

Movement in the corner of Lucky's vision redirected his attention and he quickly turned to see what it was. A man who had previously been sitting at a worn down coffe table stood and cleared his throat. He wore business clothes that consisted of a red tie, white shirt, dark grey slacks, and black dress shoes. He also had perfectly circular glasses, two buck teeth, and short brown hair.

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