Larry Ducker and the Star Crusade

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Narrator: There once was a duck by the name of Larry. This duck was not an ordinary duck, but a wizard duck. One day, a wizard by the name of Koalius Hagrid, more commonly know as Hagrid, came to visit Larry to take him to a magical school of wizarding animals.

Hagrid: You're a wizard larry!

Larry: I can't be a wizard!

Hagrid: Oh yes you are! Now come with me!

Larry: If you wish so.

Narrator: On Larry's way to the school Warthogs, He had to pick up a wand, a truckload of money he inherited from his parents, and many other things. Then, Larry boarded a train to go to Warthogs.

Ron: Is this seat taken?

Larry: No

Ron: By Joe! You're Larry Ducker!


Ron: Oh... well... can I see your scar?

Larry: Sure

Both start mumbling and talking together.

Narrator: Over the next few years, the pair bonded and became a trio when they became friends with the really smart girl Hermione Leopard. One day, in their sixth year at Warthogs, Dumbledog, the headmaster of the school called Larry to his office.

Dumbledog: Larry, have you ever hear of a Horcrux?

Larry: Er... no. What is that?

Dumbledog: It is an object that holds a piece of you soul in it. You are basically immortal until that object is destroyed.

Larry: So... where do I come in?

Dumbledog: I need you to go on an adventure and find a Horcrux deep in the jungle and destroy it.

Larry: Wait, who's Horcrux is it?

Dumbledog:A dark wizard's by the name of Voldyshort.

Voldyshort then pops up on stage

Voldyshort: I am NOT short!

Narrator: What are you doing here? It is not your scene!

Narrator swats Voldyshort off the stage

Larry: Er... so where were we?

Dumbledog: Oh yeah! Back to the Horcrux. I need you to go and destroy it.

Larry: Ok I will go! But my friend Ron is coming with me.

Dumbledog: Ok if you wish. But remember too, nobody likes Ron

Narrator: Ron and Larry leave Warthogs and venture to the jungle to destroy the Horcrux and make Dumbledog proud.

(Music is softly is playing in the background while Larry and Ron fly away)

Ron: Blimey! I just noticed! Why isn't Hermione here? I mean, She's the really smart one.

Larry: she's... got the chicken pox.

Ron: Oh. I wonder how... Wait. Do you hear that music? That isn't our wizard music!

Jones: It is mine!

Ron: Who are you?

Jones: I am Crocodile Jones! I have my PhD, ADHD, GTO and ABC in Adventurology!

Larry: Is that even a real thing?

Jones: Of course it is! I invented it!

Larry: Whatever you say. Have you seen a shiny metallic object nearby by chance?

Jones: You mean... THIS! (He holds up the medallion)

Larry: AHHH!!! That's Voldeshor-

Ron(cutting in): HE-WHO-MUST-NOT-BE-NAMED!

Larry:That's You-know-who's Horcrux!

Jones: What's a Horcrux?

Larry: Er... Nothing. I just need to chat with my companion for a bit.

Jones: That's ok. (He starts to chomp on a sandwich)

(Larry: He has the Horcrux! What do we do?)

(Ron: I don't know man! Let's just knock him out!)

(Larry: Ok. Go ahead.)


Crocodile Jones screams like a girl suddenly.

Jones: It's the bad guys! RUN!

Larry, Ron, and Jones All scamper off the stage. The Bad guys come in.

Lion: Where did they go?

The Millennium Falcon Enters and flies off stage

Jeckle: They got away! Ah man. Our plans were foiled again!

While ship is leaving, you can hear Ron's voice.

Ron: Wait a bit... this isn't Crocodile Jones' adventure music!

Narrator: So with Crocodile Jones, the tree made it safely away from the jungle, but their troubles weren't done yet! They arrive in an odd place. Someone is waiting for them outside the ship.

Baia: Al Solo, did you get the map?

Solo: Yes I did.

Larry: Wait... Who are you? And who is Al Solo?

Baia: I am Princess Baia, and Al Solo (Gestures to Jones) is my minion who helps me venture out in the universe and find all the food and eat it... except I do all the eating.

Ron and Larry: Blimey!

Al: I am an undercover agent for the alliance

Ron: Well.. Al... we really need that map... er... Horcrux, so (Ron lifts wand)

Baia: Food! Yum! (She devours wand in one bite)

Ron: ARGH!!!!!!!!!!! GIVE ME MY WAND BACK!

Baia: Sorry. It's gone in my belly.

Ron: NO!!!!!!!

Suddenly all are arguing

Larry: Well we NEED to destroy the Horcrux for Dumbledog.

Ron: I need my wand back!

Baia: I need to eat! I'm starving!

Al: We all KNOW you're hungry!

All continue arguing until finally, someone shows up from behind the curtain

Varbear: I'll take that medallion!

Baia: It's Darth Varbear! Attack!

While attacking Varbear, all struggle to snatch the medallion except Princess Baia and Ron Weasel

Baia: Now where did my lightsaber go? Oh! I must have put it in my dinner, silly me!

Baia first finds Ron's wand first, then her lightsaber

Baia: What is this? You take this mister, I don't need it. (Baia gives it to Ron and he says "Finally!") Ah! Here it is. Attack!

Skybear: Stop everyone! You guys are all on the same team! Varbear is working with Voldyshort to get the medallion! You need to work together to defeat them!


Narrator: Finally, the two teams realized they needed to become one team and defeat Voldyshort, er, You-Know-Who and Varbear. They all fought Darth Varbear and Voldyshort bravely and defeated them.

Larry: Well, thanks for saving us back there. But we need to decide one thing. Who gets the medallion.

Baia: Problem solved! I have an idea!

Narrator: Princess Baia then found their island of food, and after eating as much food as she wanted, Princess Baia gave the medallion to Larry and Ron to destroy. Then, both teams got to do what they both needed to do and Dumbledog was proud.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2018 ⏰

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