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He was strange. It made me wonder what the future was really like.
Metal arms and technology way beyond our own. Sounded like a better time then the one we were currently in.

But he chose to stay.

Something about making sure we didn't kill ourselves with our own devices or something like that.

He was still mysterious.

Seemed calculated almost. I'm sure with how calibrated he was before the metal was put onto his body, he was still this same way.

I was always so curious about how he got all of his scars though I wouldn't ever ask. Something horrible probably happened to him resulting in the biotic arm and the eye...thing.

Though, something else showed in his secretive eyes.


Perhaps loathing?

Maybe it was just his face...

But he always seemed contented to speak with me. His facial muscles would relax and his brow seemed less furrowed.

It was those moments that I found him the most irresistible. Especially if he let out a small dry chuckle or two.

Of course he would be kept in the dark on all of this.

He had a life. A wife. A daughter. He had a place.

So why here?

Why now?

Maybe I would never learn.

His steel colored eyes turned and met mine. He could clearly feel that I had been looking at him as he was watching something on the TV. Not that he was really paying attention to it but more something to drown out the silence.

"Need something?" His voice was gruff but the inflection were harmless.

"Why did you stay? I can't piece together a valid reason for you to leave your family behind." I spoke honestly to him.

"The timeline I came from isn't one I should've been in from the start. I was brought there to be  molded into this machine of war for whatever the fuck reason." He leaned back into the couch some.

"And what time line are you from?" Curiosity would most likely get me into trouble but I couldn't not ask since the topic had been opened.

"This one. Though, I'm probably only a few weeks old right now."

"Well, happy late birthday, Cable." I tried to lighten up his seemingly dark mood. A small grin came to his slightly chapped lips.

"Call me Nathan. Cable is my designation from the future."

This new information only made him more interesting to me. I wanted to learn as much as possible about him.

"Can I...can I see your arm?" My eyes flicked down to the robotic limb.

Sure, I had stolen glances at it here and there but I wanted to actually see it up close.

He held his arm out to me. My eyes dancing over the smallest details of the metallic appendage. My fingers lightly touched the metal that was surprisingly warm. It was as if it was living.

I turned his arm, resting the back on his metal hand in my palm as my other hand lightly touched his forearm. I felt all the divots, small scratches and the plating that made crevasses. The intimate wiring of the appendage held in underneath.

A sigh escaped him causing me to blush.
Was the metal....sensitive?

My fingers ran up to his wrist. Small fine wires and cables were exposed but looked individually covered in metal casings giving him the mobility a wrist should have. I ran a single finger over the wires and followed them up to more of the plating that made the beginning of his palm.

I was stopped by the fingerless glove he wore. I looked up at him to see he had been studying every move I'd been making.
"Can you feel all of that?" I asked looking back down at the hand. Flipping it back over and undoing the velcro that held the glove on and slipping it off easily. I tried not to blush at the thought of holding his hand.

The mechanical fingers twitching very subtly.

"Yeah, it's very advanced compared to your current technology." His voice still gruff but the edge in his voice settled and sounded more relaxed.
I touched the plating of the top of his hand. My other hand under his squeezes slightly. My thumb running over his first two knuckles.

Another sigh escaped him.

"Does that hurt?" I paused my movements looking up at him.

"Feels good." His voice a pinch huskier. My face now a full red as he looked at me.
He moved his arm from my hold and cupped my cheek.

"I can feel how soft your skin is. How warm you are." His metal thumb running softly over my bottom lip making my blush turn a deep vermillion.
I pursed my lips and kissed his thumb softly as I looked down at his arm. His eyes darkened a little as he smirked a little. He leaned in slowly, replacing his thumb with a soft kiss.

A Nice Place To Stay (Cable x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now