Dearly Beloved

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Dos thou oceans tear,
Tremble thy wits at the core?
For a precious flower hath been crumpled beneath the harsh weight of reality.
Oh tell me, thy ignorant spit of humanity,
Does it not quake thy soul when earth's very foundation hath been begotten?

What dos thou heart yearn for, if not fulfilment?
The artificial sensation given by gazing at the sunset, hath masked the true meaning of life.
Thou fake divinity dos not compareth thy feelings to a being of true purity,
And only then, will the circle of life complete it's rounds, harvesting the happiness that one truly deserveth deep within thy soul.

Thou beauty is the shell of wholesomeness of which my heart longeth for.
It does shake the very brink of my existence, how the current of thou eyes is a pool to thy purest of souls.
Being who's voice is a symphony of honeyed words, dancing through the moonlight, they protect and nourish.
Who blessed thou face with such indescribable beauty?
Surely God, who's grace flourished and thrived in thy creation, was made aware how lovingly your gaze would capture its onlookers.
Know not your external beauty, but be assured of my own.
The joy thou art hath gifted to me, shall I payeth it back three fold?
Yet thou embrace breathes life into me that by no other means could be stolen.
Foul demons are no longer of my concern, because you, dearly beloved, hold me safe in your arms.
Any man who dare challenge your ambitions is a fool, surely blinded by your overpowering intentions.
Our souls combine, adding up to a whole, and we are one, yet many, as we realise how little we need in our lives, but each other,

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