Chapter One

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  "I f**king hate musical numbers." Max said after smashing, presumably David's, guitar over Daniel's head. He couldn't spare a glance at the cultist knowing he would be wasting valuable time in his escape. He ran out of the tent and into the woods with no sense of where he was going. His little legs carried him for what already seemed like hours. He ducked behind a tree, looking out everywhere in search of Daniel. 

   "Oh Max~!" Daniel's voice echoed throughout the dense forest of Camp Campbelle. Max started running once again. "Why'd you have to hit me so hard, Max? Now I have guitar splinters all over my face!" 

  'Sh*t! How did he recover so fast?!' Max thought, hiding behind another tree. He could still hear those terrifying echoes in his head. He looked out to his right, scouting for the mad man. He can hear his own rapid heart beats and his world was almost spinning. He didn't catch the sounds of footsteps until he heard a "ha ha!". He saw Daniel smiling menacingly in front of him when he turned around. 

  "I win!" Daniel childishly declared, standing in front of him. As close as he was to Max, there were a lot of open areas for the troublemaker to escape from. 

  "Tell me where David is, you maniac!" Max demanded, pointing his index finger at him. He glared fiercely at Daniel, ready to escape if the man made a move. 

  "I put him in someplace no one would ever find him." Daniel hinted which was obvious as to where he hid the over enthusiastic camp counselor. 

  "Is it the bomb shelter?"

  There was a two second silence before Daniel ran to him. Max dodged him and ran towards the direction of the bomb shelter he, Nikki and Neil were at last night. 

  Max hurriedly climbed down the metal ladders and sprinted towards the secure door. He swung it open, slamming it against the wall loud enough for it to echo for a few moments. He spotted the idiot counselor tied up in a wooden chair seated in front of a small T.V. "Max!" David cried in joy. "You came to rescue me!" he said, kicking his skinny legs. Max ran over and began to untie him. "I always knew that deep down, you-"

  "Don't ruin this." Max interrupted, successfully untying David from the chair in just mere seconds. He stuffed his hands in his pockets as the red head stood up. 

  "How'd you know Daniel wasn't me?" He asked him, rubbing his wrist. 

  "Easy," Max shrugged. "He acted like a good camp counselor for a change." He remarked, giving  a small smirk before going back to poker face. 

  "I'm so happy you're here. I'm only going to cry over that remark for two hours later." David said cheerfully. The two headed to the door thinking they were safe for the time being until they got back to camp. 

  Almost out of nowhere, Daniel appeared at the door yelling "Jump scare!" followed by a random scream possibly from David. The mad man stride over to the two. "I wanted to give you a nice, memorable death, Max." Daniel said, a scowl on his face. He reached behind his back and Max knew it had to be a knife. He glanced around the room to see if there were any exits he and David could escape to. He sees the glint of the blade and turns around. Unfortunately, he's grabbed and a arm wrapped around his chest. He cursed his small body, kicking and digging his nails into Daniel. "But now you've given me no other choice but to stab," he also mentioned something about a commoner or whatever. He wasn't paying attention.

  Daniel smirked wide and raised his knife, ready to stab the boy when David shouted "Max!" and then tackled him. He let go of both his knife and Max, yelped when he was tackled. The two got up and began to slap each other pathetically. 

  Max breathed heavily and glanced at the two. He was in one of those situations where he couldn't tell the difference between the two morons. 'D@mn, if only he left his contacts off.' Max thought, looking around for anything. He spotted a crossbow on the wall hanging. He stood up, ran to it, then grabbed the crossbow and arrow. He inserted it and aimed just between the two. Pulling a trigger, he shot it past them, catching their attention. "Freeze! I sorta know how to use this!"

  "Don't shoot, it's me, David!" The two spoke at the same time. "Ha! you wished you were David. I'm David.  Gah! No, me!" they mimicked each other, even mirroring the same movements as the other. Daniel was making this hard for Max alright. As if his life wasn't hard enough! 

  "Okay, I'm just gonna shoot you both." Max said, inserting another arrow. 

  "Max, search your heart; you know it's me." one of them spoke. "You have to know!"

  "You're overestimating this relationship." Max said. He had to choose the right one to shoot. His plan was to just shoot the knee in case he somehow got the wrong David. To say the least, he was nervous but he was too scared to admit it. He shifted the bow back and forth from right to left between the two. He swore he saw Daniel on the right of him, it had to be him for sure. Without even a second thought, he aimed the arrow and shot at David's knee. 

  David screamed out in pain, collapsing while clutching his knee. "Max! I'm the real David!" he cried, watching the blood seep out from under the arrow lodged into his knee. 

  Daniel laughed, grabbing his knife from the ground.  

A/n: So, this'll most likely be at least 2-3 chapters in total. Sorry if the first chapter sucked. ~Gravity

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