Chapter Two

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  Max f**ked up royally.

  He just shot David, the real David, in the f**king knee with a f**king arrow! Now, Daniel, the evil cultist who is going to kill him, is creepily approaching him with that blade.

  Max dropped the bow, glancing at David who was still crying about the pain on the cold floor. He looked at Daniel who was advancing towards him even more, succeeding into backing the small child into the wall. "I've had enough of this silly games, Max!" Daniel said through clamped teeth, a creepy smile on his face. "I am going to end this right here, right now!"

  Daniel brings the knife down and Max dodged it swiftly. He was cursing his short and small body earlier, but it was now a blessing in this situation. Max can hear Daniel's sounds of frustration. He ran over to David and grabbed rhe arrow, yanking ut out. "Ow!" David yelped, tears flowing more freely that they were now.

  "David, now is not the time!" Max scolded, attempting to get the counselor up.

  "I'm going to kill you, Max!" Daniel growled, almost pouncing on the boy but ending up pouncing on David.

  "Max, run!" David yelled, managing to pin his dopplegänger down despite the pain in his knee. "I'll try to hold him down long enough for you to free the other campers and get to safety!"

  "Don't need to tell me twice!" Max said before running out of the shelter, closing the door to slow Daniel's progress in going after him.

  Max had lost his way somehow, running in whatever direction his legs wanted to go. He knew the d@mn camp like the back of his hand! Inside and out for crying out loud! He finally found the mess hall, the kids pounding on the glass of the windows. Nikki and Neil must've seen him because he could almost hear them yelling his name. Max had to catch his breath first, wheezing and coughing while sucking in deep breaths of the clean air.

  Max finally controlled his breathing and went to unlock the mess hall doors. He unlocked the doors and allowed everyone to run out. "Max!" He heard his two best friends shouting for him.

  "Are you okay? You look terrified." Neil asked, glancing over Max to check for injuries.

  "I almost got killed by that cultist lunatic!" Max exclaimed, waving his arms frantically.

  "Wait, Daniel's back?" Gwen asked, her eyes wide.

  "Yeah and David is keeping him in the shelter because he wants to kill me and-and he has this weird milk thing-"

  "Max, you need to calm down." Neil told his friend. "You said David is in the shelter?" He asked, wanting to confirm what Max told them.

  Max didn't respond for a few moments before his eyes went wide once more. "Sh*t.!"

  David was somehow managing to keep Daniel down so well for so long. It was a hard struggle, but it was to give Max time to run away. By now, he should be coming back for him with some of the campers and hopefully Gwen.

  His arms were getting tired from wresting and he was on his back now. The sharp pain in his knee returned and he hugged it close to his chest.

  "I don't have time for you!" Daniel snarled before running out of the shelter and closing the doors.

  "Max, please stay safe.."

  The campers scavenged for weapons or anything that served as a weapon. Gwen went to call the sheriff of the town.

  Max had snuck into the Quarter Master's cabin and snagged a random knife on the bed. The handle felt disgustingly sticky and Max started to question what the hell the Quarter Master used this for. "Note to self: wash hands after saving David." Max said aloud and ran out back to the other campers. He had stuffed the knife in his pocket, remembering to not cut himself with it.

  He stopped his momentum with a few steps. He squinted his eyes and saw a familiar red tuft(?) poking out from behind some bushes. He wanted to call out to it, hoping it was David and he left Daniel to die in the shelter. He shoved his hand in his pocket and gripped the sticky handle before pulling it out. Slowly, he approached it and he found himself shaking. "David..?" he spoke in a quiet whisper. The tuft moved, Max flinched at the moment.

  He should've expected the attack.

  Daniel jumped from the bushes and lunged himself at Max. Once again, Max instinctively dodged then stumbling while diverting the knife away from him. "Hold still, you little brat!" Daniel yelled, reaching out to grab him.

  Max made an attempt to move but his hoodie was grabbed. He lost grip of his knife, hearing it clank on the floor. He struggled once, seeing Daniel's knife in his sight. "Let me go, b@stard!" He yelled, trying to kick the cultist.

  Daniel brought his arm up farther to the boy's neck, pressing and choking him. "I tried to be nice, I even let you choose your death. I've run out of patience, Max!"

  'I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'M GOING TO F**CKING DIE BY THIS D@MN LUNATIC CULTIST!!' Max couldn't calm down his thought and he hadn't notice the sting in his eyes. "I don't want to die!" He shouted.

  "And you won't!"

A/n: I apologize if this is out of character for any of you. Last chapter will be up soon. ~Gravity

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