How It Started

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Dahyun: Y/n... I like you a lot...

Me and Dahyun are in a the janitors closet. She's one of the bullies here at this school. Her and 8 other bullies are at this school, but she bullies me the most. I'm on the ground, backing away from Dahyun. Why am I on the ground? Because Dahyun pushed me, like a typical bully.

You: Stop it Dahyun! I know this is a joke!

Dahyun: It's not Y/n. I'm telling the truth. I'm in love with you.

You: No you're not!

Dahyun: Well, let me prove it to you then.

Dahyun walked closer to me but I kept backing up. I continued to back up until my back hit the wall. She smiled and quickly stood above me. She then sat down on me, straddling on me. She held my hands down with her knees. Her right knee held down my left hand and her left knee held down my right hand. Now I have nowhere to go and I can't do anything.

You: Dahyun! Stop! Please!

Dahyun: Why?

You: Because! This is uncomfortable and I know this is a joke! Just stop!

Dahyun: I'm not joking. I like you. A lot.

She got closer to my face. I looked away from her but then Dahyun cupped my cheek and made me face her.

Dahyun: Aww. Don't look away. You're so cute.

I blushed a lot when she said that. We touched foreheads and she smiled.

Dahyun: Y/n, be my boyfriend.

You: What?!?! Why would I be your boyfriend?!?! You're a bully!!!

Dahyun: I know but I'm sorry for bullying you. I didn't know why I did but I shouldn't have. I'm very sorry.

You: Sorry doesn't mean anything right now. Just let me go!

Dahyun: I'll let you go... Until we're officially dating.

You: Like I said! I'm not going to date you!

Dahyun: Hmph... You know if you don't date me, I'll keep bullying you. But I'll truly humiliate you and I'll be much more mean than I was before. So choose... Date me or be bullied some more.

Damn. She's really mean. I guess I have no choice. I hate being bullied and I hate being humiliated in front of people even more.

You: (Sigh) Fine! I'll... I'll date you.

Dahyun: (Giggles) Good... Now kiss me.

You: What?!

Dahyun: Kiss. Me.

You: No! I won't!

Dahyun: Yes. You will.

You: Make me!

Dahyun: Ha, okay then.

Dahyun cupped my cheek and leaned in closer to my face. I tried to do something but her knees were still holding my hands down. A few seconds later, we touched lips. We started kissing. Then Dahyun punched my arm. It kind of hurt but it wasn't too bad. I opened my mouth a little more. But that's what Dahyun wanted.

She put her tongue inside my mouth. Our kiss turned into a make out session. I started squirming around, trying to free myself from the kiss. I need air right now, but Dahyun didn't. I started breathing through my nose but it wasn't enough. When Dahyun also needed air, she broke the kiss and I started panting.

Dahyun reached into my pocket to get my phone. She unlocked it by using my thumb for the fingerprint sensor. She did something on my phone, but I didn't care. I just kept panting. I then heard her phone buzz in her pocket. After she did whatever she did on my phone, she put my phone back into my pocket.

She then looked at me and lifted my head up. She kissed my nose

Dahyun: You're so cute... Loser...

She got off of me and exited the janitors closet. Before closing it, she looked back at me.

Dahyun: I love you, see you tomorrow.

She blew me a kiss and closed the door. I just sat down and thought about what happened. A few minutes later, I got up and exited the closet. Are me and Dahyun really dating now? Or was it an actual prank? I don't know which is which. Dahyun would go that far to prank someone but it felt like it wasn't a prank. Ahhh!!! I don't know!!! Whatever. I exited the school and walked home.

My Bully: Twice Dahyun x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now