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Domino walked through the club. her eyes sharp as they wondered over the intoxicated crowd. they smell of body odor, alcohol and sex.
she wiggled her nose, but it didnt help. her heighten senses always played havok in croweded places. clubs being the worst.
but needs must.
she was still lookong for her. her baby sister.
she had been missing for nearly a year. but she refused to give up. it wasnt like Demi to not contact her. no matter what. Demi would have told me where she was going. they were close. born two years apart they grew up inseparable.
plus Demi wouldnt have ditched her guard. none of the royals would.
well, apart from herself.
Domino turned her back on her family when they refused to look for Demi. they didnt seem to care if she lived or died out there alone. but she knew Demi was alive still. she knew deep inside her sister still breathed. if she was held against her will or not. she had no idea. the royals were known and feared. no one would dare harm one.  yes, Demi could have gone of her own free will. but again. she would have said something to her.

Domino moved to the bar. standing at the end so she could see the entire club. she didnt have any idea why she had been draw here. but she learnt to go by her instinct and right now it was saying she needed to be here.
"what can i get you honey?"  the tall blond woman behind the bar asked.
Domino took a moment to look into her teal eyes. gaining the info of her gene.
she was a tiger shifter.
"bourbon. straight, please"
the womans eyes widened "you...your Domino Paladin"
Domini nodded "word has got around already"
"as soon as you arrived in town word was out. there has never been a royal in Holton. its major news" she smiled excitedly.
i laugh quietly "im passing by. im looking for someone"
the bartenders smile dropped a little "oh, your sister right? im sorry about that. id have done the same as you.  i love my sister"
i smiled sadly and nod. i didnt want to go into the reason im traveling the states searching. everyone in our world knew. it wasnt a secret. and yet. no one seemed to have seem Demi.
with a sad knowing smile the bartender went about getting my drink and left it on the bar before. i moved to pass her the twenty in my hand when she held her hand up "its on me. i hope you find her. the names Kali. by the way" she smiled.
i smiled at her and lifted my glass "thank you Kali. ill be sure to remember your generosity"
she flushed and rushed down the other end of the bar.
i push my long pale blue hair over my shoulder and turn to look over the club again. my nearly white blue eyes scan the humans and otherworlders around the club.
we liked to mingle with humans. even though they knew nothing about us. it was forbidden, unless we chose to take a human mate and wed them. bring them completely into our world.  most of the time it works. the times it didnt work, our vampire soldiers erased the memories of the human. but like human divorce courts. the sepration isnt taken lightly and the couple would have to try salvage their marriage with fae councliers and therapy. mating with a human is a big step.
but it does happen.
an hour passes with nothing to lead  me in any direction.
i finish my third bourbon and make my way to the exit.  ill try the other club tomorrow night. though i felt very disappointed. i felt for sure i would find something here.
my mood is low. my mind on my sister when someone collides with my shoulder. instinctively i grab hold of the person. we stop. both holding onto each others arms. im stood in the middle of the club looking at a wide black shirted chest. his arms feel huge under my palms. wide and solid
i look up staright into liquid silver eyes. only one species have eyes like that. the dark demons. a race that even the royals be weary of.
he raises a brow. his grip lossens.
i slip my hands from his arms and step back.
something passed between us.
something i have always feared. but am bound not to ignore. no one can.
"my protector" i whisper.
the dark demon takes a step closer and raises his hand palm up "my keeper" his deep voice vibrates through me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2018 ⏰

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