Thyria is a large land, abandoned by humans and inhabited by cats. It has five different terrains, three belonging to a tribe of some sort.
Let's start with the mountains - deep in these giants hides an abandoned temple, at least the ruins of it. The once powerful building is still rather firm though the stone was invaded by debris, most of the human-placed wood has rotted away.
The cats that live here call themselves Jura. This clan accepts any cat with passion, bravery or anything else that may prove one worthy. They are known to be the best fighters and healers, however, they barely ever use claws in battle - bloodshed isn't in their favour.
Jura's members must always clean after themselves, harvest and prepare their own food - they believe that true knowledge comes from patience. Most of their diet is plant/berry based, since besides pigeons not many animals reside here. Kits become Trainees as soon as they can firmly walk, however, battle training only starts once they are 8 moons old and ends once they are 21 moons old. Instead of the common mentoring system there are professors who take turns in teaching, all trainees are trained at once. There are these subjects - combat, herbs, survival and meditation. They consider the peace of mind to be important.
In Jura besides the Leader, professors and trainees there are no other official ranks. A cats position depends on their past, abilities and achievements. The leader is chosen once the old one needs a successor through a tournament. Also, any cat can leave freely.
There are myths that some cats from Jura can wield energy and use it as a force. However, theres no proof of this statement just yet.
Common apparel: Feathers, nose piercings, braided fur.
Finally, the dens are placed all around the temple, Trainees have two chambers on the very top, divided by their genders. Non-gendered cats can pick freely. The dens aren't very well sheltered so the trainees may face hardship. The leader's den is on the top of what once used to be a tower. It has a small window that opens the view of Thyria. Other cats choose freely.
Current leader: Mira
As for the second, the woods. The center of Thyria, this place is known for it's usually bare trees which only blossom for barely a season and chilly temperatures. A river runs in the middle of the woods. Compared to the mountains the place might seem very mundane.
The tribe of Arthis lives here. Cats from Arthis are known to be blank and mysterious, they take pride in their thick pelts and eagle-like eyes. Most of them are outcasts who left the other groups.
These cats master the ability of hiding. They're like shadows, they're there but it's rare for them to act. They take the victory after everyone else is too tired to fight them off. Arthis cats are usually frowned upon.
Due to the constant danger of their habitat kits start training at three moons. The training system is similar to the one of Jura's, there are several ranks - Headmaster( a cat equal to a leader), Headmasters right and left claws, (cats equal to deputies, though they don't become leader after headmasters death), healer, apprentices, professors and runners( equal to warriors but they may have different specialities like crafters, hunters, guards, fighters, scouts etc.)
The Headmaster is always chosen based on votes, Right and Left claws can't become Headmasters. They are always chosen by the new headmaster, while the old ones retire.
Common apparel: Multiple piercings usually dull - rarely shiny, leather bracelets, leather necklaces.
Arthis is the group in which cats with familiars are more common, however, not many cats can keep their familiars alive until they finish training. Only high ranks can get new familiars.
These cats mainly eat bird eggs, lizards and newborn animals - they don't spend much time hunting. Their camp is located just near the river, in a cave under the roots of a massive, old and dark tree.Apprentices have their dens sheltered, in the darkest chambers of the warm, dry cave. They are divided by genders just like in Jura.
The healer's den is in the first chamber to the left once you enter the cave. It's usually warm and has soft greyish sand. Other ranks including Headmaster choose freely.
Current Headmaster: MothThe final group resides at the very edge of Thyria - a massive tree that marks the border. No one knows how the giant appeared here nor how could it reach that size, however, this border marker is also the windiest corner of Thyria, cool, strength-filled winds seem to adore it. Besides the mornings most of the time, it's cold and unwelcoming here.
The group here is called Glade, they are by far the youngest clan - yet one with the largest habitat. These cats are known for their sweet scents and tea, the felines living here discovered that the little holes in the top branches keep water once the cats fix them with clay, the water gets soothingly warm during the sun-rise - which makes it perfect for brewing tea.Members of Glade are rather fond of Jura's cats since they were the clan that they grew out from, however, taking rather different values. These felines value agility and quickness. They are often smaller in size and not as powerful in fights. Fortunately for them - they have poison, with all the herbs and creatures that also consider the tree of Glade to be their homes cats have discovered that some of them have unique and deadly effects. Their signature move is carefully applying an acidic poultice on the claws of cats before battle, because once the opponent is hurt their wound will bleed more and hurt worse.
Glade is the only group that avoids accepting new-comers, they are way more suspicious and prefer pure-blood cats or known allies. Even their ranks are decided by blood-lines. There are two leaders (one male and one female, one of them must be a kit of the previous leaders, their mate and the future leader is picked freely. If the leaders are of the same gender or cannot have kits a surrogate must be chosen.), deputies (can be up to three, they come from the founding families.), shamans (picked by ancestors, birth rank doesn't matter.), high-walkers (unlimited, cats from respectable bloodlines or friends of the leaders/deputies, their dens are at the top), low-walkers (cats that just joined or of traitor families, they live lower.), professors (up to four, they train Trainees and can choose their dens.), Trainees (start training as soon as they can firmly walk and train until 18 moons, during training the ranks of their parents don't matter.).
Common apparel: Anything really, cats here are rather creative with looks.
Their diet consists of small birds and rodents, often mixed with plants.
Current Leader: Francis
The other two pieces of land, uninhabited by any large groups are the desert and the sea-shore. They aren't very explored yet. History: A few seasons back a cat called Dew and her group of rogues came across the lands of Thyria. They started the clan of Jura and accepted many trainees. Those trainees grew up and many left or got kicked out, creating Arthis and Glade. Even though there were no battles just yet, tension is growing after the founding families were replaced with the second generation, the names of Dew, Scorch and Honey are now replaced by Mira, Moth and Francis. It's up to you to make history.