What is the best adventure trekking in Everest Region?

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Everest Region is very famous trekking destination among the all avid trekkers throughout the world. Everest Region offers magnificent views of gigantic peaks and Sunrise views over those glorious peaks astonish every trekker. Every year over 30,000 trekkers make adventure trip to Everest Region. This Trek is also well known as Khumbu Region Trek and this name is given due to the famous Khumbu Glaciers present in Everest Region.

Trekking trail to Everest region passes through the different small villages of Sherpa peoples who are very famous for their bravery. There is Sagarmatha National Park, where one can observe the endangered and famous wild species like mountain leopard and Himalayan Thar. While going up, one will encounter yaks and the big grazing meadows of yaks.

All the trekking in Everest Region or Khumbu Region starts from Lukla. Lukla can be easily reached by taking a domestic flight from Tribhuwan International Airport. Flight to Lukla is available in only early mornings. If you trek Everest in Monsoon you may wait some days for favorable weather to tale a flight to Lukla. But, in autumn and spring, the flight delay and cancellation is very rare.

Best seasons to trek Everest Region

There is a slogan that "Nepal for Every Season", so you can plan a trip in any season of the year but spring and autumn seasons are considered as best seasons for trekking in Everest Region. Below is short information about seasons in Nepal:


Autumn season is considered as the best season for Everest Region Trekking as the temperature is favorable in this season. It's neither too hot nor too cold. This is the season for great Hindus festivals so one can get chance to enjoy the cultural site of rural Nepal.


Spring season is also very famous for Everest Trekking. This also offers the best climate and best views of gigantic peaks over the clear sky. If trekking in busy trail does not bothers you than spring is best as you can enjoy great views of nature.


Monsoon season is less famous for Everest trekking and there is great chance of flight delay and cancellation. So if you're planning to travel in monsoon than you must manage two or more days extra so that you will complete the trek happily.


Winter in Himalayas is very cold so you must be prepared for cold nights. Some of the high passes are closed during this season so you may not be able to pass all the passes easily. The trail is less busy in this season so if you want to trek alone this season is best.

There are many famous trekking packages in Everest Region and some of them are:

#1 Everest Base Camp Trek

is famous among all the avid trekkers from different parts of the world. Peoples dream to travel Everest Base Camp at least once in a year. Trekking to the base camp of highest peak of the world offers you the extraordinary views of mountain panorama and diverse landscapes. if you want to step foot on the lap of gigantic Everest.

This trek starts from Lukla and passes through the beautiful villages of Sherpa Peoples and it ends approximately after 12 days. There will be resting days managed to make sure that your body is well acclimatizing in the higher altitude.

Everest Base Camp Trek can be done by every person of any age groups. However trekker must have stable health and walking ability of approx 6 hours a day. Previous trekking experience in higher Himalaya will definitely help in this trekking.

#2 Everest Three passes Trek

Everest Three Passes trek is also one of the famous treks in Nepal Himalayas. This trek takes you through the different high passes of Everest region. You will get a chance to explore the astounding views of Himalayan panorama with diverse landscapes from the high altitude.

Don't spend too much time in high altitudes; this may lead you to altitude sickness. Drink plenty of water and manage one or two days for acclimatization so that you can complete the trek more comfortably and happily.

This trek is best in the season of spring and autumn.

#3 Everest Gokyo Lake Trek

is very famous in Everest region. Trekking to beautiful Gokyo Lake goes through the small village of brave Sherpa peoples. One can explore the unique traditions and cultures of rural Nepal. The trek provides mesmerizing views of gigantic peaks and diverse landscapes. If you trek Gokyo Lake in autumn and spring, the temperatures is favorable and you will feel more comfortable in higher Himalayas.

Everest Gokyo Lake Trek can be completed by every person of any age groups. However, the trekker must be able to walk at least 5 hours a day and should have stable health.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2018 ⏰

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