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Michaels pov

Today's the day before Jessica's due date and she's not doing so good. This morning, she woke up and ran to the restroom to throw up. I felt so bad because she threw up a lot. "How are you feeling amor?" I ask her. "I still feel sick, and on top of that, I'm having contractions." She says as she lays on the bed. "Aww my poor baby." I say as I rub her leg. "Do you want to call the midwife?" I ask her.

"Yes please" She says softly. I grab my phone and call her. "Hi Melissa" I say. "Hey mr. Zamora. How's jessica doing? Are her contractions progressing?" She asks. "Actually shes been feeling really sick and she's been getting her contractions every-" i say and I look at jessica and she says 15 minutes. "Every 15 minutes." I tell her.

"If she's feeling sick, it's best to take her to the hospital so they can monitor her health. Is her forehead hot?" She ask. I go over to jessica and place my hand on her forehead. "Oh yes. Her forehead is really hot." I say. "She must have a fever. Take her to the hospital and make sure you take your son with someone else because because of her sickness, it can cause him to get sick as well." She says.

"Oh okay. Thank you so much for your help." I say and I hang up the phone. "Okay so the midwife said to take you to the hospital because you my love have a fever. I texted my mom to come pick up mikey. You can give him a besito but only for a split second. You can get him sick, and that's no good" I say. She nods and closes her eyes.

After about 10 minutes, my mom comes to get mikey. "Okay amor give him a besito." I say as I carry him to Jessica. "Bye mi hermoso" she says as she kisses his cheek. He giggles and looks at her belly. "Baby??" He asks. "You might get to meet your baby sister soon amor" She says softly. He claps his hands and squeals. Jessica smiles and waves bye to mikey.

I take him downstairs to where my mom is and I hand him over to her. "How's she feeling?" My mom asks. "She has a fever, so I have to take her to the hospital so they can watch her. On the bright side, she has contractions every 15 minutes." I say. "That's good. Just make sure they give her epidural this time." She says as she leaves. "Alright bye mom" I say and I give her a hug goodbye. "Bye buddy" I say and Mikey waves bye.

I smile and I go back to jessica. "Okay amor so I'm going to go put the bags in the car and I'll come back for you. Please don't argue with me on this, but I'm going to carry you downstairs." I say and she nods. "Okay bubby" She says softly. I kiss her and I go grab the bags. I run downstairs and I put the bags in the car and I go upstairs back to jessica to see if she was okay.

"Okay babygirl, I'm gonna help you up, and I'll carry you downstairs." I say and she nods. I help her up, and this is when I feel really bad. She stands up, and her feet are swollen and it hurts her to get up. "Owww" She says as she stands up. It hurts her so much that she tears up. "I'm so sorry babygirl." I say and I pick her up. I go down the stairs slowly, and Jessica just cuddles up on my shoulder.

"So you want to sit in front or in the back?" I ask her. "In front. I want to be with you" She says. "Okay my love" I say as I kiss her forehead. I put her in the front seat and she buckles up her seat belt. I kiss her and I close the door. I get in the car, and I take off. I take the long route because the short route has a lot of pot holes and it'll make her hurt. "Amor do you want something to eat?" I ask her. And she nods.

"Do you want McDonald's?" I ask her and she nods. "Okays my love. I love you so much" I say and she smiles. "I love you too" She says softly. I get our food and we head to the hospital. Jessica didn't want anything heavy, so I just got her nuggets. When we get to the hospital, I call one of the nurses to get jessica a wheel chair. They come and they slowly get her in the chair.

They take her to a private room and they made her change into the gown. "So were going to run some tests, and see how far you've progressed." The nurse says. "Amor what time is it?" Jessica asks me softly. "It's 7:30pm." I say. "Wow so I spent practically the whole day in pain" She says again. "I know babygirl." I tell her.

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