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Lucas's shot open. Right on his stomach, sits his little sister, Anna.
As soon as she sees, that her brother has finally opened his eyes, she smiles widely, showing a big tooth gap.
Five days ago, one of her bunny-like front teeth has fallen out.
And of course, the tooth fairy came to visit, leaving five dollars under her pillow.
'You have to wake u-hup! School's starts today!'
She climbs off the sixteen-years-old, and runs out of the room.
Lucas smiles to himself, while rubbing his eyes.
He's still jetlagged from the flight last night from New York back to London.
He stayed there for over a week, visiting his mother's uncle.
Now, he's back and does not really want to get up.
But he decides that it's better that he stands up by himself, before his mom sends Balou, to wake him up.
So he goes out of bed, into the bathroom, where he makes himself ready.
Back in his room, he takes a plain white t-shirt and black jeans out of the closet.
He puts his watch on his wrist and leaves his room, going down the stairs.
The first one who greets Lucas, is no other than Balou, the family's golden retriever.
Balou welps in happiness, when Lucas begins to pet him.
'Good morning honey. How do you feel?' his mom says, while flipping
the pancakes over.
'Tired, but good so far.'
Monica Ross smiles at her son, before turning her attention back to their breakfast.
'Honey bear, I can bring you if you want to. I mean, it's the first day of a new school year! What do you think?'
Lucas walks over to the big table, placed in the middle of the living room, which is connected to the kitchen.
'Nah, it's okay mom. I'm gonna take the bike. And PLEASE, stop calling me honey bear! I'll turn seventeen, in two months!'
'Of course, sweetheart! I'll stop it.. unless we're with you're friends....'
Mrs. Ross laughs and puts the freshed baked pancakes on a plate.
Lucas attempts to stand up, to get his breakfast, but his little brother, Christian, is faster than him.
In a wink of seconds, he sits with the plate in front of his elder, munching on his meal.
Lucas lets him fall back on the chair and glares at Chris.
'Uhhhhhh, I smell pancakes!'
Anna appears in the kitchen, sniffing demonstrably in the air.
'Where are they?'
Lukas points at Chris, who gets even more angry stares from his twin sister, than from his big brother.
'You monster...' she says under her breath.
Both of the boys begin to chuckle at Anna's attempt to look scary.
A quick glance at the clock and Lucas
rushes out of the room.
'Where you're going, bro?'
'School' he quickly says, grabbing an apple, which he holds with his teeth and while putting in his jacket.
Still with the fruit in his mouth, he ties his shoes.
'Don't forget your keys!' he hears his mother yell from the basement.
'Got 'em!' he yells back.
'Bye broooooo!' the twins shout in unison.
'Bye guys!'
The last thing he hears, before closing the door is 'Have fun at school honey bear!'
But he doesn't have time to yell back, he just walks over to his bike, shouldering his backpack and sits on it.
He makes his way to school, hoping he wouldn't come too late.
At his first day of school.
Already screwed up.

[Time skip 'cus I'm lazy and don't know what to write while he's on the bike •-•]

He basically jumps of his bike, as soon as he arrives at school.
As fast as he could, he locks it and runs to the school gates.
A quick glance at his phone, to check in which classroom he has lessons now, and he fasten his speed.
One second, before the bell rings for the period, he enters room A14.
'Yo Lucas! On point, like always!'
He turns his head, to where the voice came from.
His best friend, Adam, sits at the very end of the room and laughs at him.
'Yeah, great to see you too A' he says sarcastically, before doing the handshake, they invented in primary school.
Lucas takes the table beside Adam.
In that moment their teacher, Mrs Williams, enters the room.
'Good morning class! Hope you had a great holiday!'
'Good morning' says the whole class, sounding tired, like none of them had slept in a week.
'Let's get right into it! Take out your out your books.'
Mrs Williams turns to the board, her back facing her students.
Lucas grabs in his backpack, his hand searching for the books, but the only he feels, are his blocks and his pencils.
'whyyyyyyy' he sighs, letting his head fall on his desk.
'let me guess, you forget them?'
Lucas nods.
A begins to chuckle.
'Every year dude. EVERY YEAR you forget something.'
'yeah yeah leave me alone.'
Lucas also has to smile, what can he do?
Adam's right.
Time slowly passes by, like time does while school lessons.
Now, Lucas and his friends, including Adam, are at the cafeteria, sitting at one of the round tables, quite at the end of the hall.
After talking about their holidays, they kinda ran out of subjects.
'So......' Liam, one the 'heart throbs' at their grade, a black haired guy with chocolate brown eyes, agrees.
'Yeah me too. Hey, we have all clubs together Bro!' Adam cheers, and they give each other a high five.
'Creative.... History? Dudes,.that sounds pretty gay to me..'Connor chuckles.
'Hey!', a voice shouts. It's David, who is actually gay.
'I didn't mean it like that Dave.'
'Well I hope so.'
The table bursts into laughter, when everyone sees how 'angry' lil David looks, as he pouts.
'Yeah, creative history. It's pretty cool actually.' Lukas begins.
'Maybe for you. You're class best in history! How can you even remember all those numbers and names??' Ian says.
'It's not regular history. In that club we talk about what could've happen, if some persons would have acted differently. We also can write our own Stories and then we have to present them.' Lukas explains.
He was about to start a new sentence, when fake snores interrupt him.
'Boringgggg!' Liam laughs.
'Ok ok, I get why YOU want to go there. But Adam, what the hell got into you?!' Connor says, while dramatically clutching his heart.
'Not what.....WHO.' A smirks.
'Uhhhhhhhh' it comes from the others.
'Tell us'
'Jessica Gomez. You know, the cheerleader?'
Everyone nods.
'She pretty sucks at history, so she had to go to creative history.'
'You sneaky son of a b-"
'NO SWEARING!' David shouts!
The boys begin to chuckle again, as the bell interrups them.
'What do we have now?'
Annoyed groans escape their mouths.
'Haha losers, I have art now.' Liam laughs.
'Good for you' Lucas and Adam say at the same time sarcastically.
'Let's better get going'
So the two boys make their to their next class..... mathematics with Mrs. Franklin. Probably one the last dinosaurs, who survived the big bang.
No one really knows how old she is, but she sure wasn't born before 1800.
Signing, they enter the classroom.

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