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After maths (which felt like an eternity), the rest, which includes English, Spanish and chemistry, passed quickly by.
The other break, Lucas went to his locker to fill it with his books and stuff.
It's still the same, like the last three years, still number 687.
It's pretty much in the middle of the hallway, next to the cafeteria.
He unlocks it and begins to sort in the books and folders.
His training clothes are placed on the buttom of the locker.
Lucas closes it again and walks away.
On the timetable, which he got in the first period from Adam, is everything listed.
'Let's see....' he mumbles to himself.
'Creative B21..."
He looks up from the paper and makes his way to his club.
Some of the others students already arrived and stood in little groups. Lucas walks in and seats himself next to Adam, who doesn't even notice that his best friend has entered the room. He is too busy to droll over Jessica Gomez, who sits with some other popular girls.
Lucas just smiles at his friend with the heart eyes and begins to unpack his backpack.
A short look at the clock and he knows that it's only a matter of  seconds before the club begins.
Adam, now back in reality, straights his back, and tries his best to look 'interested'.
Luc could already see Mr West, an old small men with white hair and some wrinkles around his mouth from smiling and laughing so much, walking down the hall.
But suddenly you could hear heavy footsteps, like someone's running.
A girl with long ponytail and messy bangs, overtakes the history teacher, and steps in the room at the exact time as the bell rings.
She let herself fall on a seat next to Eric, one of the best basketball player at the school. He is a good soul with a clever mind, but he didn't really give a damn about things like grades and such stuff.
It wonders Lucas that he would find Eric in such a club.
The girl combs her bangs with her fingers and takes out a bottle of water, and drinks from it.
'Too late Mr W!', Eric says cocky as the old man enters the room.
Mr West stops on his way to the teacher's desk.
'Well I'm not as fast as you Mr Dutch, that's for sure.'
After seating himself on his chair, he puts on his glasses, which have rested on his head.
'I'll read out your names now, to see if someone's missing. Ok, let's see...
Sarah North?'
'Anthony Long?'
'Eric's here.... Lucas Ross?'
'Yes sir.'
Lucas could see the girl with the bangs stare at him.
What's her problem?
'Adam Green?'
'Jessica Gomez?'
'Bea Chester?'
'Julia Brooks'
'I didn't know that Liam's sis is here.', Adam whispers to Lucas.
But he couldn't really concentrate on his best friend, he still felt the curious stares.
'Emma Reynolds?'
Lucas head shots up. Reynolds? That familiar...
'Yes here.'
It came from the girl with the dirty blonde bangs. She and Lucas make eye contact, then she looks away.
'Johannes Carter?'
'Well then.' Mr W says, 'let's start for today.'
Emma Reynolds.....of course.
She was in 1b while he was in 1a....
They visited the same primary school for 4 years, until she disappeared.
He didn't notice that he was staring until she looked in his direction.
Blue meets brown.
Quickly he looks away, embarrassed he got caught.
A soft giggle comes from Emma's direction and Lucas noticed that he likes it.
That giggle.
It's cute.
'First of all, I'd like to know why you chose this club.'
Julia's hand immediately shoots up.
She is the completely opposite of her brother.
'History is one of my favourite subjects! It's so interesting and sooo amazing. All those dates are so easy to remember! An-', 'Thanks miss Brooks, I think we got your point.'
One by one explains why they're here and some.....well they don't.
'I don't think I have to explain everyone my reasons to be here.', snapps Jessica.
'Of course we respect it when you want to keep it private miss Gomez.
It's just that I have something planned for later, and not knowing your reason could make it harder.'
He turns around, so his back is facing a pissed Jessica, and continues.
'Miss Reynolds, may I know the reason for your decision?'
Emma looks up to the white-haired Londoner and smiles.
'Of course. It's just, that I think that the past is very important for our present and our future. We can learn from others' mistakes and make it better. And the question, what would've happen if one person would've acted differently....would it change everything or would it change nothing? That's my reason ....'
'Very well ms Reynolds....could it be that you're in...-'
'the drama club as well? Yeah why?', she chuckles.
'Just wondering', Mr W laughs.
He looks around and sees an amazed boy next to Mr green, who had answered the question with ' I dunno, it sounded fun.'
'Mr Ross, right? What about you?'
The boy looked quite surprised, he wasn't really paying attention to his teacher, but to the still giggling girl.
Lucas never imagined that one of the most popular girls in primary school, Emma Reynolds, someone every bit wanted to be friends with (he, personally, never really payed attention to her), would have such an opinion to history...
His opinion.
'W-well..... actually it's practically the exact reason ms rey- ehm Emma said...'
Mr West nodded, lightly smiling.
He walks to the front so he's facing the whole class.
'I wanted to know your reasons, so I could put you into groups, where you would work with people together, who have the same interests as you.'
Once again, the both teens make eye contact.
' Brooks,  ms Chester, Mr Carter and Mr Long. Move your tables together. Let's see... Ms North, Mr Dutch, Mr Green aaannddd- oh ms Gomez!'
Adam's face lits up, while Jessica looks even more pissed.
'And last but not least, Mr Ross and ms Reynolds......since the both of you have the same interests you'll be partners.'

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2018 ⏰

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