||| chapter two ~ as if that wasn't enough |||

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Kayden's POV:

The delta was playing me. I knew it when his wild grin grew. Deltas know everything that's going on in the pack, they are, after all, the messengers of the pack. So he would have know about the peace treaty and my arrival. I narrow my silver eyes at him, quickly coming to an abrupt stop.

He sees my expression and laughs, almost falling over. Eventually, he moves about trying to regain his balance, so all that I had to do was to give him a small push with my slender pointer finger. After that he collapsed.

That was when my laughing fit began, which then turned into coughing and then into wheezing. I gulped the air as if it was the last time I would breath, I felt like I was suffocating. Isn't life just great?

"For a rogue, you sure do laugh a lot." He chuckles, glancing at me while I was clutching my chest with one hand.

"Well, we are part human too, you know." I say bitterly, the Delta turns away from me. I sense a small bit of regret and sadness radiating off him. "But that was the first time I've laughed in a while." I add, giving him a small smile as he turns back towards me.

"I'd better bring you to the alpha." He says hesitantly.

I bite my lip, why did he hesitate? "Should I be scared of the alpha?" My voice was cracking, I knew that this pack could be harsh, but what if this pack was worse than back home? All kinds of scenarios popped into my head.

"Oh believe me, it's not the alpha that you have to watch out for." I sigh as those words left his mouth, but realise that there is more that he wants to tell me. "But you do have to watch out for the alpha's son. Whatever you do, don't trust him or make him angry."

"Thanks for the advice." I tell him gratefully.

'It makes us feel so much better.' Skylar adds on. I groan, you could at least be thankful for the advice.

The Delta resumed our journey to what I assumed would be the Alpha's office. I frown as he once again grips my wrist harshly and pulls me down the corridor. I try tugging myself away from him but his grip is too firm, I don't want to waste any energy so I simply stop trying to get away. Instead, I turn gaze to the walls, they were decorated with a creamy wallpaper with grey trees. And although the trees were obviously fake and only printed on paper, it made me feel more comfortable, less afraid. We walked past a lot of door but we didn't enter any of them, and we didn't turn into any other corridors. We just walked continuously along the corridor.

"Where is that no-good Delta? He's late!" A cruel voice reverberated through the corridor, pulling me out of my state of calm. "Where is Ace?!"

I freeze, not feeling able to move another step. "I pretty sure that the Alpha is the other way." I try to pull the Delta, whose name I figured was Ace, in the opposite direction.

"No." He says sternly, as he forces me to look at him, using his free hand to gentle touch my chin.

'I don't get this guy. One moment he's so stern and the next he's a sweet guy.' Skylar comments.

I'm with you on that. This is so confusing. I reply to her, whilst forcing out a sigh. "Why not?" I ask, hoping that he wouldn't give me a valid a answer.

"Because he'll want my tail for a new tie." He says reasonably. "I'm sorry." He looked sympathetically into my eyes, before pulling down the corridor again.

It wasn't long before we got to a door labelled 'Alpha's Office'. Fearlessly, Ace knocked on the door, waiting for a reply. I thanked the moon goddess that the following seconds were slow and calming.

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