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     I didn't immediately respond thinking if I was honestly sitting in a corner for thRee minutes I wouldn't have my phone on me anyhow. Then I saw that he could see I read the message. Slightly embarrassed, I went and sat how he had asked and took a picture. Since I was already there, I stayed for the whole time.
     It felt so strange doing as I was told when there was no real physical force making me. I felt silly to be honest. Sitting against a wall in my own home. Counting down three minutes. I realized just how terrible I am at sitting still in the short time. After what felt more like ten minutes I had received a "good little one" message and I returned to raiding the fridge.
     To be honest I don't remember every little detail about that day but I know there was a lot of small talk and typical conversation. Not everything was about submitting. I was really enjoying our conversation. I was comfortable enough to say yes when he asked if I wanted to video chat.
     His face popped onto the screen and mine immediately hid. How am I suppose to have a conversation with my face buried from view? I do not know. But I could not move my face nor talk. Sir coaxed me out sweetly. He had tried to tell me I was being cute but I knew I wasn't. He was intimidating and I was shy. It took me 4 minutes before I could choke out a hello. Even then the word felt forced from my lips.
     An hour flew by and before I knew it he had said he needed to go but said we should skype again in a couple hours. I smiled and said I'd love it but he caught me off guard as right before he hung up he said, "maybe next time we can get you in the correct sub position."

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