One: In Reso's hands

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Kayla's POV

I mumbled curse words under my breath as I tried my best to open the large doors, being 5'1 had it's perks sometimes in the ring, I could climb under the ropes when I needed to, I was fairly easy to pick up and I could easily jump onto the ropes.

The bad thing about my small height was the fact that I could never open the damn doors to any of the venues that we go to.

" Are you fucking kidding me right now?" I groaned, trying to open the door with my shoulder. I let out a huff as I crossed my arms over my chest

" Can't open the door again?" Matt's voice laughed from behind me, making me turn on the heels of my sneakers

" You know I never can" I sighed making him and Amy shake their heads at me

" Kay you could have just waited for us" Amy laughs, wrapping an arm around my shoulder as Matt opened the large double doors

" I know Ams" I sighed as Matt had a large grin on his face

" Come on you two! Jeff's probably waiting for us" Matt laughs as Amy and I walk into the venue, talking amongst ourselves.

" So how's everything going? You feeling okay?" Amy asks me with a sincere look in her eyes.

I hadn't been feeling 100% lately, everything had just come crashing down and next thing I knew I was crying on the bathroom floor wrapped up in Matt's arms.

" I'm a lot better, Jeff's been keeping an eye on me" I smiled

" Good, I don't what i'd do without you Kay" Amy smiles pulling me into her side

" Same with you, i'm happy you and Matt are together" I retorted, resting my head on her shoulder.

" Here we are, our room for the night, come on" Matt laughed, pushing me into the overly large room

" Jesus fucking christ, did you have to push me?" I groaned, rubbing my shoulder where he had pushed me.

Matt rolled his eyes as he walked towards the locker, putting Amy and his bags in the bottom

" Where's Jeff?" Amy asks, running a hand through her bright auburn hair

" No idea" I respond, placing my bag into the locker beside Matt's

" Do you have any idea what's happening tonight?" Amy asks as she sits on a bench, pulling her sneakers off and grabbing her boots

" All we really know is the match is against Edge and Christian" Matt responds, taking off his jersey and placing it at the top of the locker.

I quickly looked up from my hands at the mention of Edge and Christian, the tag team duo that Vince had put us in a feud with. We had joined the WWF at the same time and had developed a strong friendship with them.

" Oh sweet" Amy smiles, getting to her feet. She quickly grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the room

" Ow, Ow! Amy!" I complained

" I saw the way you looked when Matt mentioned Jay and Adam. I think it's cute" Amy smiles.

Here we fucking go again, Amy seems to believe that I have a ' thing' for Jay but we're just friends, friends that always seem to be holding hands or have their arms wrapped around each other

" Kay, you and Jay would be so cute together!" Amy gushes making me scrunch my eyebrows together

" If you play matchmaker with Jay and I, I will beat you up with my boots" I said in a fierce tone

" You can't even reach my shoulder" Amy grins, ruffling my hair as we walked down the hallway

" Do not bring me height into this!" I laughed as we reached catering. Amy rolled her eyes at me as she opened the doors, the loud chatter of everyone filling my ears

" You and Jay would be so cute! He's so tall compared to you" Amy smiles, wrapping an arm around my shoulder in a friendly way

" He probably doesn't like me that way" I sighed making Amy turn to me with wide eyes

" But you do!"

" Shut up! I didn't say that!"

" But you were thinking it! I'm inside your head Hardy, you can't keep secrets from me" Amy laughs, smirking as she scans the room, grabbing my arm and dragging me towards a table.

I looked to where we were going and gasped, Amy was dragging me to a table where Jeff was sitting with Adam and Jay

" There you are Hardy! We were looking for you!" Amy smiles, pushing me forward

" Well I couldn't wait for you guys to show up, the three of you always take long" Jeff laughs as I sat beside him, resting my head on his shoulder

" We would've been here earlier but Amy and Matt spent almost an hour telling each other they loved each other. It was nauseating" I groaned in an exaggerated tone

" Oh shut up, you'll be the exact same when you find someone" Amy laughs, sitting across from Adam.

I rolled my eyes at her statement as I snatched food from Jeff's tray that was situated in front of him

" You little! You stole my damn food" Jeff laughs, putting me into a headlock

" You've lived with me for 25 years! I always steal your food" I laughed, making Amy roll her eyes at us

" So do you two have any ideas for tonight?" Amy asks Adam and Jay

" We have a couple"

" Well hit us with them! You two always have the best ideas" I smiled as Jeff unwrapped his arms.

I rested my head on my knuckles as Adam and Jay listed their ideas for tonight, most of them involving Amy or I jumping from the ropes onto a table

" Shit, that sounds painful. I'm in!" I grinned making Jay shake his head at me with a smile on his lips

" Are you sure Kay? It does sound a bit painful" Jeff says, going into full ' overprotective older brother' mode

" Of course! I've done worse" I responded with a shrug of my shoulders

" I'll make sure she's okay" Jay pipes up making Jeff stare at him

" I'm putting her in your hands Reso" 

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