Chapter 4

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   Of course time to wake up. Getting out of bed is a lot easier today. Not really sure why... Maybe it was Matthew, maybe it was that I knew today was going to be a good day. As I was getting ready I realized to just let it go he's just some guy. You're better off alone, I told myself.

Before I knew it I was already at school. Yes, I didn't pick up Celeste. She can get a ride from Jack or someone. As I pull up I see Matthew just standing out there. Not sure what he was waiting on. 

Getting out and walking towards him, he notices me and smirks. I was wondering why he was. I looked down at my body, I just see a hoodie and shorts. "What were you waiting on?" I asked. "You." He tells me. 


  As second period starts Celeste comes walking in looking mad as ever. I look at her with a confused look on my face. "WHY DIDN'T YOU PICK ME UP?!?" She asks yelling at me. "Well hello to you too." I joke with her. She just glares and sits down. 

"Look I'm sorry, you've just been a not so good friend to me since that dude came along." I tell her. She just looks at me like that didn't even go through her blonde head of hers. I just sigh quietly. Of course it doesn't. 

I just let it go for now. 


Lunch, hmmmm okay. Do I wanna stay inside or I just don't go? I walk by the window and see Celeste cuddled up to Jack. That doesn't surprise me. So I just walk past the door to my locker. I just slide down the lockers and sit on the floor. 

Playing with my fingers not realizing someone sat next to me until they said something. "What are you doing out here alone?" Matthew asked. I look over and smile. "Just tired of being a third wheel." 

"Well what can I do to help?" Matthew asked. I thought about it. "Hangout?" Scared of his response. "Yeah sure. When do I pick you up?" He asked. I look at him surprised.  "Ummm maybe around four." I say not really sure what time. He laughs. "Okay I'll pick you up that time." 


    As the day passes I wonder where he is taking me or what we are even doing. That's all that's on my mind. I start to zone out, as Celeste calls my name. "Hmm?" I ask. "Guess what happened to Jack?" She said. I honestly just rolled my eyes. 

"What is your deal? Ever since I started being around him you started being jealous." Celeste stated. I looked at her like what the fuck. "I'm not jealous and never have been, I've been trying to talk and hangout with my best friend but she's too busy focused on someone that's not even-" I stopped myself before saying anything further. "No I'm not doing anything wrong here, you just don't wanna be alone!" 

I just walked out the class room. There is no point of finishing that. That's just how she is, anytime people get mad at her or anything she acts like the damn victim when I know deep down she knows she is doing wrong. 

I ran down the hall not caring that I just ran out of class. Once I get outside I notice Matthew sitting at the end of the bench. I walk over slowly to him. "Hey cutie." 

"Hi what are you doing out here?" I ask. "I could ask you the same thing." He says me realizing I never do this. "Oh Celeste again." 

He just nods. "If she is really doing this to you why be her friend?" He ask. I think for a minute. "Her and I have been through everything together, plus I don't really give up on people." 

"I see, it's just she's not a true friend if she's going to choose a guy over someone like you." He is making a good point. I just stay quiet for a minute or so. "Well I'm just gonna go home." I announce. 

As I start walking to my car Matthew says "See you at four." 


A/N- Hi guys what's up? I know this is only the forth chapter but its getting there to the main thing. I'm honestly probably really bad at this. Anyway hope you guys like it. 

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