The Story of the Two Ancient Beings

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Long ago before the Gods even exist, there exist light and darkness and in between them is Life. This thing is both the Alpha and the Omega overlooking the light and dark of the universe. The Gods came to existence both Light and Dark take form of Angels and Demons. Soon these celestials became gods and created mortal beings due to the creative mind or curiousity of the Gods in which it created a happy place that even Life looked as if happy to see a place filled with laughter and peace but there exist a being that is quite opposite of Life which is Death or Extinction known as Zeo.

Knowing that someday this being of Extinction will be born Life sacrificed itself by absorbing both light and dark elements of the multi-verse to form a being that will someday bring balance of Light and Dark  but it became a failure as Dark being part of evil rebel against light and refused to be part of Life in which triggered a war that will go on for many generations , The War of Life.

Through the centuries many gods have been born and there are dimensions across the multiverse but in this case the center of the multiverse is the Life System which overlooks all dimensions and timelines. But of course still light and darkness were still at war and that both grew very powerful by each of their reincarnations. As time go by Light transformed into Karma the judgement of deeds while Dark transformed into Sin the Punisher of misdeeds but despite these new forms the two are still at war.

Until one day Sin became very corrupted that it turned into what they call the first Genocider. These beings are merciless which the only thing they want is murder and Genocide through that Sin became Kings of many dark kingdoms seeing this development Karma forged into a journey that includes helping and saving different living beings which then gave him a power that rivals even Sin which is the Six Traits of Souls.

The Six Traits of Souls is the power of six different souls that boosts ones power these six traits are Integrity,Kindness,Patience,Justice,Bravery and Perseverance. He obtain this power through helping six powerful souls that have these traits but despite this power up Sin didn't stop growing which came the second to last generation.

Karma's reincarnation ended up inside of Sans the Skeleton and Sin with Chara the Mother of Genocide. Sin got one of the traits that is known to be the Forbidden Seventh one which is Determination and Violence this single soul is so powerful that it even overpowered the Six Traits of Souls. Some time went by and it soon reached the pinnacle of all which will serve the last generation. Gerald and Chara fell in love which gave birth to two brothers that will mark the end of the war. John Alpha and Alexander Omega.

The love story grew short when Chara became even more consumed by darkness that made her even more powerful the final battle of Gerald and Chara ended with Gerald taking a major injury when he returned home Alex was gone like as if someone taken him a evidence of dark spots were left behind and it is obvious who is it that have done it. John was still there but a ball of blue  light surrounds him like as if destiny is choosing him to which Gerald decided to teach John the ways of Karma and how to use the Six Traits of Souls. On the other hand Chara decided to make Alex the next vessel for Sin in which case teaching Alex the ways of Genocide thus ends the Generation of Gerald and Chara.

As time grew by John was living alone Gerald have finally passed away due to the major injury meanwhile Chara is still powerful than ever which John knows that his destiny is to stop Chara and has to confront his brother Alex. He left his home Snowdin and then travel through dimensions to find his mother and brother. Chara however knew that her son would be looking for him and that she ordered her other son Alex to stop John and kill him thus ending the lineage of Karma and making Sin the God of all Life which makes a very bad future.

The battle between John and Alex began and the winner was none other than John. Even tho his brother gave him a hard time and tried to kill him, he spared him thus making his way  to confront his mother Chara. Which turns out to be one of the most brutal and hardest fight of all time since it is the battle between the new generation and the old.

The battle ends with John looking down at his own evil mother Chara, her last words were "You think you've won but i can never die. My will, no our will has passed down to Alex. Rise my son and fulfill your destiny as the Being of Si- no the Being of Genocide!" after saying those words darkness and the voices of a thousand people screaming were all moving toward a hooded figure, John knew who was the next Being of Sin  or who is the Being of Genocide in which is the lastest and the last of the Generation Alexander Omega.

Alex received a lot of dark power and Sins and that would finally reach the final stage of the Being of Sin which gives him the ability to govern all negativity and darkness throughout the Life System John was at fear and then the two fought once again but the battle was one sided making Alex the winner and John on his knees Alex was staring at him with red eyes and then said "Brother, you are weak I have inherited all of the power from the previous reincarnations. Now we are one. This is our final form". He looked down at John and then prepared for the killing blow but suddenly a portal opens from all directions and John suddenly fell in it and Alex was pulled into one thus seperating the two but fate knows that one day these two will clash one more time and then soon they will become one so that they will destroy the Being of Extinction known as Zeo

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2018 ⏰

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