choices are too difficult.
especially when you know the answer,
but refuse to break the other's oh-so-fragile heart.
who is your soul mate?
does anyone know?
we may believe in love for a short amount of time,
then take it all back, say it was fake.
which it is.
it's twisted.
it twists you along with it.
love will take you down into the depths of
hell and bring you back up again.
love will rip your soul out in front of you
and then murder for you.
you haven't got a choice in who you love.
whether it's a boy, girl, man, woman,
or any other gender you can imagine.
you haven't got a choice.
you never have.dedicated to ashlie. because none of us twisted fuckers have a choice in love.
personal poetry.. read if you want (:
Randomi honestly pour my whole heart into my dumbass poetry. if you didn't catch on, I'm literally head over heels for two people older than me. it's quite sad, really. I'm not sure how to love people my own age.