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Sermon opened his eyes just after the SSBMs left him on the infirmary, they had believed that he was unconscious, no wonder, the HIPERTAG had beat him down, eventhough Sermon couldn't avoid thinking they weren't as strong as they were supposed to be; maybe they were being merciful or maybe they were told not to kill me, that's it! they're not killing me yet! – he concluded, still he waited patiently, laid on a gravitational sphere since it was very likely that he was being watched through cameras, and his guardians would come back if they saw any suspicious movement. Shortly after a small 1.5 meters robot came in, he had a square basis with a pair of hands in each face, in which he had glasses that let him had a 360 degrees peripheral vision, The robot floated towards one of the side walls that was beside Sermon's bed, he ignored it and slowly tilted his head and opened his eyes to see more clearly what the robot was doing; he seemed to be looking for something in a holographic menu that was painted on the wall but it wasn't very clear. The robot stopped hadling the device and relaxed its thin metallic hands while listening to the sound of an engine operating behind the wall, when it stopped a small gate opened near the holographic panel from which a metallic tray with some odd things came out.

-His pulse has changed when he saw his belongings- said the robot. Sermon remained silent-. Don't you try to fool me, I perfectly know you're awake, your body temperature is increasing. Are you trying to burn radiation? If so, give up, radiation is filtered through all the walls on this zone, you'll barely have time to fullfil your vital functions...

-...If you don't give me my medicine soon, I won't be able to do even that –gasped the prisoner.

-... So yo do speak... ok, well, I'll need you to clear the air for me about your "medicine"- Sermon sighed very deeply.

-What do you want to know?

-I want to know about their components; at first I thought that it is pure radiation that you use to charge your powers and escape, but definitely there is no radiation in here, actually; there's nothing special, it's a simple energizer, how is it that an energizer helps your heart?

Sermon got relaxed, he hadn't had the chance to study the synthesized formula but the fact that it could pass as an energizer helped its alibi perfectly. It has to be that or maybe the robot had such a basic programming that he just couldn't understand the complexity of the formula.

- The heart has four zones that are aligned one above the other, in concave pairs, the two that make up the upper crown, rotate the etrine which is the membrane that ...

-Get to the point sir, I'm programmed with a wide biology knowdlege, I perfectly know how does the heart work.

-You should have said it before- said Sermon while -with excessive effort- he was trying to get up in order to sit down on the gravitational sphere and after gasping a little bit he continued-. The formula stimulates the etrine to spin more than the dicular crown demands, that way I can absorb radiation in a stable rythm.

-Mmmm, and how does the excess of radiation doesn't solidify your blood?

-Hey! Are you going to give me my medication or am I going to teach you about biotechnology? Because I'm running out of time and if you don't believe me you're free to scan my radiation levels.

The robot made a pause, he wasn't very convinced, but the face of his patient was getting pale and his lips started to seem dehydrated, so he agreed with a slight inside sound and just after that he replied alarmed.

-Impossible! His radiation reserve is empty!- said the bionic being.

-I'm not surprised, I'm sat in this position thanks to the sphere- he added as he laid forward on his lap.

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