Phone Calls

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Phone Calls

It all started with a phone call from somebody you don’t know.

And she tells you how stupid she was to fall in love with you

while she throws your supposed clothes out of the window.

You try to utter a word of disbelief but she already ended the call

while you find yourself stumped and utterly defeated.

The second call started late at night when you were already sleeping the world away

She calls you

crying, telling you how much you’ve broken her heart.

All you do is listen to her shattered dreams and heart-wrenching sobs

and you almost feel compelled to say sorry

just when she abruptly ended the call and you started to realize

you cannot go back to sleep anymore.

The third call bothered you just as much as the fourth and the fifth.

She tells you all sorts of things you supposedly had done over the course of three years.

She said you cheated.

With her own damn sister--that's right.

and yet she was still stupid to be deeply and madly in love with you.

You tried to stop the accusations

but she already had ended the third, the fourth and the fifth call.

The sixth phone call started on an early ride going to work.

You suddenly didn’t dare to miss what she was going to say

and though you were already late,

you parked the car on the side street and answered the call.

You opted to keep silent and let her be done with it and end the call.

She tells you that she has shredded your lucky orange boxers

and how she is currently hanging a picture of you in the dog pound.

The seventh call didn’t happen for a long time

and you wonder if she’d ever call again.

And when your phone rings and you answer it,

you suddenly realize that you were falling for her.

Exactly the same woman who’s voice you’ve only heard.

Exactly this woman who only tells you how much she hates you.

You haven’t ever met and yet you were sure you were in love.

She started telling you she had moved on and is currently loving another man.

You just listen and let her say what’s on her mind until she finally says,

“Aren’t you going to say something?”

You ended the call right there and then.

The eight and the ninth call, you deliberately missed.

You were scared of what to say

So scared that she’ll find out you weren’t exactly her past, her love.

Scared that instead of making her fall for you,

you'll end up scaring her away.

And the love you thought would become forever may be as crazy as a dream.

The tenth call was something you didn’t mean to answer.

But at the end of the call, you couldn’t even explain the bliss you just found.

“I may not know you,

I haven’t even heard your voice.

I don’t know what you look like

but I’m in love with you.”


This short story was written way back on November 30, 2010 and had been published in many of my not-updated-personal-blogs. Just had minor revisions for this one and I hope you all will like it. :)

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