Chapter 13: Begging for Forgiveness

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Chapter 13: Begging for Forgiveness

Levin POV

I can't believe Alex. He used my best friend, and now expects me to forgive him. He followed me out into the storm when all I wanted was to be alone.

When I get back into the school, I wander through the halls unconsciously. I realize my mind is taking me to my old dorm. I follow oblingily and opened the door. Surprisingly enough, the room is unoccupied this year. I go to my old bed and sit down on it. I remember all the times Alex was in here. The first time we fell asleep together, and how he always comforted me when I cried. That thought struck me. I cried a lot last year, based on the events. He saw me cry over him, over Josh, over my life. I won't let him see me cry again. He hurt me. I didn't do a thing. Isa played a role in this. It was the third day of school and Alex hurt me. I won't let him see me shedding tears over him. Or Isabelle. Neither of them will get the pleasure of being on good terms with me tomorrow. After wandering my way back to my own dorm, I let myself in. I collapse on my bed and fall asleep immediatly.


That night, I have a dream about Alex. I dreamt he was carrieing me in the waves and I heard Isabelle in the distance. She was calling his name. I opened my eyes and saw him kiss Isa over and over again. He dropped me and put both hands around Isabelle's waist. I try to smack him on the leg, but my hands are tied behind my back. All of a sudden, the scene morphs into Alex's bedroom. He comes toward me and starts to shrug my jacket off. I am trying to push him off of me but he doesn't budge. My leg is in a cast again, and I can't breathe. He is taking off my shirt and putting his mouth on mine. I start to scream and thrash around.


I wake up, with my sheets tangled around me. I look at the time and find that its 6: 30. I decide to make myself all pretty. For Alex.

I put my hair down and apply lip gloss and face powder. I style my hair so two small braids are making a small crown around my head, and the rest is hanging loose. I know every guy is going to be oogling over me today, so I hold my head up high. No sign of any tears. Just pretty, wide eyed, innocent Levin. Perfect.

This should make Alex feel so bad, he will be begging on his hands and knees for me back. After what he did, he should be happy I don't kick him from here to kingdom come.

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