↳ Olivia's Gift

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Like the new cover? ;)

There's going to be a bonus chapter for each year with either Xavier or Caro's perspective!

Spanish translations in the in-line comments!



( 2  years before )

"¡Caro, abre la puerta, porfa!"

"¡Vale!" I paused the television and walked out of the living room to answer the ringing doorbell.

Eagerly, I tapped the frosted glass window and it became transparent, revealing Olivia on the other side.

I dropped my hand, disappointed. I thought maybe Xavier had decided to stop trying to read textbooks and come over.

Olivia lived on the adjacent street, and her straight blonde hair fell crisply to her shoulders like the wind never touched her. She was the only witch my age in the neighbourhood and was holding something in her hands.

I changed the window back and unlocked the door, pulling it open. "Hello."

She smiled nervously, "Hi Caro."

As usual, she did not bother to pronounce my name correctly. I usually did not mind, but with her I did. "It's Cah-ro, not Care-oh, and yes?"

Olivia thrust an orange and gold-wrapped package at me. It was the size of a package of Bertie Botts, and was probably the same mix of horror and delight.

I didn't take it and microscopically leaned away. "What is it?"

"For Christmas," she said, then slowly drew the gift back to herself. "Look, my friends and I feel really guilty about how mean we were to you, okay? My parents got really mad at me for it. And since it's almost Christmas I just want to give you this to make up for it all. It's a Fabergé egg."

I had no idea what a Fabergé egg was, and my puzzlement must have showed, because she explained, "It's like a jewelled egg. It's not that special, just one my gran bought on a trip and gave me. It's only steel and crystal, and we have a lot, so she said it's okay if I give it to you."

Olivia then pulled open the ribbon and lifted the lid, showing me its contents. "See?"

It reminded me of the Golden Snitch. A gold-painted egg embedded with white crystals sat nestled between the black velvet.

My mind was at war. Christmas was my favourite holiday and I was in a fantastic mood, possibly leading me to be too lenient. Whatever my excuse was, I took the present. "Thank you, Olivia. It's nice of you to do this."

She smiled quickly, "Yeah, happy early Christmas!"


It was the night of Christmas Eve, and I asked my parents not to use magic for a few minutes while I called Xavier on the landline. Yes, he was only three doors away, but he didn't like it when I showed up unannounced and inevitably ate all his food.

He answered on the second ring and said boredly, "Yes, I'm coming. Be patient for one more hour."

I'd begged him to come to my house just before Christmas so we could celebrate right at midnight. Because it was Xavier, he didn't see the point, but he promised to do so because he hated disappointing me.

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