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Harry is walking back after his classes have ended. He is about to reach the school gates when Louis comes up to him, panting.

"There's something I wanted to ask you," he says, fidgeting with his fingers. His eyes seem sincere and his voice sounds earnest.

"Go ahead, ask whatever you want," Harry tells him.

"I- I forgot your name."

Harry snorts, shaking his head. "Louis, I thought you were going to be serious."

"Please, let me complete!" Louis says in a panicked voice.

He takes a deep breath, before capturing Harry's hands in his, making the younger boy's heart hammer in his chest.

"I forgot your name. Can I call you mine?"

Harry's stunned eyes peer straight into Louis' hopeful ones. 

When he doesn't respond for a minute, Louis speaks again, softer this time, "Harry Styles, will you be my boyfriend?"

Harry doesn't even realise when he jumps into Louis' arms, making the short lad stumble and fall as he peppers kisses all over his face.

"Yes," he says. He says it between pecks, over and over again, keeps repeating it like a mantra.

"Yes, yes, yes."

Irresistible (L.S.)Where stories live. Discover now