Untold - Chapter 1

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"Look, Aaron what do you want from me? I already beat your ass." I looked the satyr in his clover green eyes as he looked rather irritated. His right hoove was tapping with impatience because he wanted me to do one thing that I hate doing. Please Andy, just this one time, I heard him think, he was obviously desperate and horny. "Fine. You're just being annoying as hell." 

{ 5 Minutes Later... }

"Let me touch it please!" Aaron was on his knees as he begged as Akki walked into something he didn't want to be a part of. Oh, hell no... no no no no no, He thought as he tried to turn away and tried to head back upstairs, but Aaron yelled at him to come back down. "Great, get your husband in the situation," I say under my breath as he came over.

Now, Akki and Mr. Satyr are like the perfect couple. This just might be my feminine mind talking but they seem perfect for each other. Akki is just naturally handsome for some reason, his hair is like a galaxy and his eyes are a sunset red. The only thing that sets it off a bit is his pale skin. He wears a special mask that goes along with his emotions that Pride had made him. Aaron, on the other hand, is pretty short, and half of his body is like a goat, with golden flecks here and there on his black coat like stars. He has fair skin but he is a major fighter. Now, if Akki wasn't a vampire I think it would work out.

The thing about me is that I can change my gender within a second. So, this makes me basically bisexual. Mr. Satyr claims he is bisexual but I can tell he is pansexual from the way he acts and thinks around me. "What is it?" Akki's deep voice startles me at first but then I notice it's actually him. While Aaron fills him in about how he lost a fight and he wants to touch my breasts, I listen to my music. Heck, I want to touch them too but I have principles, I hear Akki think. I feel my face turn hot to the thought. "KEEP YOUR THOTS TO YOURSELF!" 

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