Chapter 11: It's Just An Illusion pt.2

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His heart

My heart

They are both one.

Your soul

My soul

They will long for one.

Your voice

My voice

Are both so clear.

You smile

I smile

From ear to ear.

Your eyes

My eyes

Are as blue as the ocean.

Your love

My love

Just one portion.

Your arm

In my arms

That's where you belong.


and I

Our love will stay strong.


Juvia's POV

He disappeared and I just laid outside crying, I got of the grass floor and ran to my bedroom. I jumped on my bed and continued to cry until I fell asleep. After a few hours of sleep I woke up took a shower and headed to the guild on the way there I stopped at Gray's grave and kissed his tombstone. When I got to the guild I said hello to everyone asked Mira for some breakfast. Lucy and Natsu walked over to me and sat down.

"Hey Juvia." The said together.

"Hey Guys, how is NaLu today?" I asked them.

It was fun calling them Nalu because everytime I did they would blush. I still haven't told anyone about seeing Gray again because if I did I am sure no one would believe me, so I guess I should leave it alone for now.

'Juvia dear, you are quite happy, or so it seems.'

'Yeah I guess so, I am just kinda of not over seeing you again. I mean don't get me wrong I am still sad about you leaving again but I am going to try and stay strong for you.'

'I'm glad my sweet.'

"Hey Juvia do you wanna go to the beach with us?" Lucy asked me with a nice smile.

"I guess so, when?" I asked as I took a sip of my drank.

"Today after breakfast, you might wanna bring a date because we are going to have team games and such. Meet us at the beach at 10:30." She said to me as she got up.

"Okay, see you there Nalu." I said to them.

~Time Skip~

After I finished my food I said bye to the guild and walk out. I am on my way to sabertooth to ask Rogue if he wants to go with me as my date. As I walked I admired the cherry blossom trees. I remember when Gray asked me to go with him to the rainbow blossom festival.

'I remember that time too.'

'You do? That's nice to hear, well do say anything because I know how you are but I am going to invite Rogue to the beach with me.'

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