When You Are Feeling Alone

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I woke up snuggling Andy's bare chest. His arms were around me, holding me against him. I felt safe there with him. Like no one could hurt me again. I felt so..... loved.

"You awake?" I asked him.

"Yeah. I've been watching you sleep." Andy chuckled softly. He has a sexy morning voice. ;)

I looked up at him and blushed. He kissed me on the cheek and sighed. Something was bothering him...

"What's wrong, Andy?" I asked worridly.

"Well... I like you. A lot. But there's one problem." He looked away at the wall.

"What "problem"?"

"My girlfriend." He mumbled.

I broke his grasp on my waist and rolled to the other side of the bed.

I glared at him angrily.

"GIRLFRIEND?! Really, Andy? You have a GIRLFRIEND?!" I said ferociously, acid leaking even more in every word.

He looked at me, confused. His mouth opened to speak but I cut him off.

"You know what? Stay the hell away from me." I snapped at got up to the door.

He grabbed my waist and spun me around to look into his eyes. Those gorgeous blue eyes...

"Would you listen to me before saying something and cutting me off?!" He growled.

"Nope." I spat and wriggled out of his grip.

I walked into the hallway and grabbed my clothes and changed. When I walked out and into the living room, I stopped dead in my tracks.

Andy was curled up on the couch.

Kissing another girl.

I don't know why I cared, but I did.

I decided to walk into the kitchen and make as much noise as possible. I slammed cabnets and started shouting rude remarks. Ashley ran in and said, "What the fuck? You okay?" I pushed past him and into the living room.

Andy looked at me strangely. Like he was sorry and happy at the same time.

"Ashley, I'm borrowing your car for a couple hours." I yelled and grabbed the keys.

"Kay!" He said from the kitchen. I looked at Andy and who I guessed was his girlfriend in disgust.

I snatched a condom off a shelf and threw it at his face.

"Don't forget a condom, asshole." I growled and walked out.

How could he do this to me?

I started to cry as I got into the car. I decided there was only one way to numb my pain.

I drove to the store and purcased several bottles of whiskey. I drove to an abandoned park and drank two. Then I decided I better go home.

*30 minutes later*

I walked in, chugging down my forth bottle. Ashley was on the couch with Andy and the girl from earlier today. I looked at them blankly.

"You okay, Avalon?" Ashley asked.

"Why do you give a fuck?" I said drunkenly.

"Because. Are you drunk?" He questioned me more.

I laughed and offered him some whiskey. He turned it down.

"We've been worried sick. You've been gone for a while now." He said angrily. Ashley didn't like me drinking, I could tell.

I glared at Andy and his "girlfriend".

"Did you use the condom?" I laughed. He looked angry.

"Avalon!" Ashley said.


"This is Juliet, Andy's girlfriend." He said.

I looked at her and chuckled. "Hey. Sorry your first time meeting me is when I'm drunk, but trust me, I'm not too bad sober." I snickered.

She nodded and laughed half-heartedly.

"Babe, I have to go." She said to Andy.

"Alright." Andy said. Juliet left, and it was just me and the two boys.

I sat down on the floor and took several swigs from my bottle.

"How much have you had to drink? Ashley asked.

"Couple bottles." I grumbled. "I won't be hungover tomorrow so don't worry yourself." I added, following a fit of laughter from myself for no reason.

"You should sleep." Ashley said.

"Okayyyy...." I said and stumbled into the bathroom to change into a black tanktop and some baggy blue plaid pajama pants. I hopped into Andy's bed and slept on the far side.

Then I cried.

I don't understand. Why would Andy do this to me? I thought he cared.

I did.

But tomorrow, he'll find out just what kind of girl I am. And I won't play nice anymore. Not this time. Not ever again. He's going to regret ever meeting me.

You DON'T fuck with my feelings.

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