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"To be a king is not so very special, nor even is it to be the king.

To be the First King, now that is something. That is forever."


Little is known of the early life of Amenthis, the First King of Goran. He was born roughly forty years before the year 1 A.A., and likely lived as one of a number of wandering bands of humans across the western face of Terra Erda, or 'Mother World' as Goran was then known. In those ancient days, humankind co-existed with the original inhabitants of the land, namely dragons, giants, serpents and wind wraiths. Although historical accounts found in the libraries of Amenthere and Vaelona differ on many points regarding this period, it is generally agreed that humans were the chief prey of these legendary creatures, and were constantly on the move as herds of deer might be to avoid the jaws of hungry lions.

From the dark obscurity of these times, Amenthis first rose to prominence as the leader of a small band of hunters, or 'Beastlings' as they were known in the crude, early tongue. Among his company were notably Aryna, a skilled tracker from the northern forests, and Anders, a master of leading and trapping born in the eastern wastes. Curiously, a fourth companion - Auli, a southern-born sailor - is often diminished or even excluded entirely from narratives of the 'Amenthis Three'. 

These 'Beastling' were the first documented, organized defense humanity ever mustered against the previously unmatched strength of the ancient creatures. Over time their successes in the wilds attracted first admiration, then followers, then worship. By the time Amenthis moved to muster Goran's first ever army in the quest to secure the land and make it safe for humanity, people were flocking to his banner from every corner of the world.

The Cleansing Wars were long and brutal, with heavy losses for all involved. On the 9th of October though, five years after the wars began, Amenthis himself is said to have struck the blow that killed the oldest and largest of dragons, thereby breaking their hierarchy and ending the conflict. In the days that followed, the last remnants of beast-kind were hunted down and killed by the now-numerous Beastlings, while Amenthis established his capital in Amenthere and was crowned king of all Goran. November 1st - now the nationally marked Crowning Day - also stands as the first day of the Gorian new year.

Recognizing Amenthis as their High King, Aryna returned to her home and governed regionally as the first Sei of the North, while Anders did the same, becoming Wal of the East. While these titles fell out of use sometime in the 7th century A.A., the throne in Amenthere continues to administer government over all of Goran via proxies such as local magistrates and regents.

Thanks in part to careful record-keeping following the end of the Cleansing Wars - now preserved in their original copies in the libraries of Vaelona - we know much about the reign of First King Amenthis. He married and fathered two daughters, although unproven historical claims name the mother of his elder, illegitimate son Taebor S'aur R'vic as Sei Aryna herself. What followed after the Cleansing Wars was an unprecedented period of human settlement, expansion and achievement. Structures dating from the early 1st century include The Lair of Amenthere, The Old Mountain Road, The Weeping Keep of Derbesh and The Serpent's Tunnel of Moaan.

Whoever Amenthis was before his days of beast hunting - his parentage, his birthplace, his early days of manhood - has been lost to the tides of history. To some, it may even seem that the First King emerged wholly formed from the dragon lairs of the ancient world; a conqueror with fire in his veins and a cause in his heart. Regardless of his inauspicious beginnings, the name of Amenthis will undoubtedly echo throughout the ages of Goran.

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