Chapter one: Establishing The Pain

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Nagisa's P.O.V

I sigh as I lay my head down on my desk. I'm so tired and in so much pain, but what else is new?

"Nagisa! Please pay attention!" Korosensei grumbled as I snapped to.

"Sorry Sir." I reply

***Time Skip***

The final bell rang for the day and I was on my dreadful walk home. I hung my head low as unpleasant memories filled my mind.

"Hey! Nagisa. " I hear a familiar red head yell.

"Hey, Karma." I respond

"What's got you so distracted today? " He asks

"W-what do you mean?" I stutter.

"Come on, first you are spacing out during Korosensei's lesson, now you have your head hung and look like you are in deep thought. " He replys with a look on his face that says 'really'.

"Oh, yeah, well I'm just a little tired is all." I say with a fake smile.

It's not a complete lie, I am tired, but that's not why I'm distracted.

"Oh, OK then I'll see you tomorrow, this is my stop. Oh, and don't forget the homework!" He says with a grin on his face.

"Wait! Homework? What homework?" I yell after him desperately.

"Maybe if you weren't such a space cadet today you wouldn't have missed the instructions." He laughed." I'll text you the details. Later Nagisa." He finished with a dismissive wave.

"Thanks, later Karma."

***Time Skip***

I gazed at the front door of my apartment in dread. I don't want to go in. Anxiety flared through me as my stomach churned.

I let out a nervous sigh as I place my hand on the door nob and turned it as I gave the door a light push.

I walk into the shabby apartment with light steps. I clench my teeth and try to sneak up to my room, but fate had other plans for me.

"Hey, honey,  when did you get home?" My mother asks me in a sickly sweet voice.

"Just now. " I reply in a meek voice.

"Well come here, mommy bought you a bunch of beautiful dresses today." She sings

I growl and I don't know what crazy idea popped into my head but I commented,

"Mom! I'm a boy, I don't wear stuff like that."

Her eyes turned black. Oh, no.

"Downstairs! Now!" She yelled.

My body trembled as I walked down the stairs to the basement. My body knew what was coming and tried to prepare itself. I gazed into the room that has only brought me hell throughout the years and whimpered at the thought of what was to come.

"Over there, you know the drill." Mom growled.

I walked over to the shakles that layed on the floor and sat down. Not long after I feel familiar metal lock around my wrist and ankles.

I hear mom walk off and then come back with something I wish she hadn't.

I hear cloth tear as she ripped my shirt off.

"You disrespectful daughter! This is what you get!" She screams as she raises the whip, then harshly lashes it against my bare back.

"Ahh!" I cry as I feel the familiar pain of new wounds on top of old. I grit my teeth as another blow is delt. They had just started scaring over again too. The process went on for several hours. I lost count of the lashes once they hit 104.

Finally after what felt like years. I felt the lift of the shakles off my body. I slumped to the ground in a pool of my own blood.

"Think better before you disrespect me again, or your punishment won't be so light next time." Mother seethed.

"Yes mam." I manage to mumble.

Then she left. I faintly remember hearing my phone buzz before darkness consumed me.

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