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    Dirt. The dirt seemed to cover him completely, nothing left clean. His hoodie's orange colour was barely noticeable, gathering filth from the earth along with the boy's blood. His hoodie had welcomed another DNA, greater than that of the boy's. His hands writhed in pain, a shovel's handle rubbing continuously against his flesh, blistering his once smooth palms and fingers. Despite the pain from his hands and what felt like his whole body at this point, he kept digging his way farther into the ground, almost reaching his goal. His body shrieked as he continued, begging for relief, but his mind ceased to acknowledge the pleas, for it was elsewhere. His mind was set and focused on the events that took place just before his arrival at the wooded area he was in now.


    The attack was a sudden one, a hard punch to Kenny's mouth and a slam up against a brick wall. Kenny was in a daze, his head leaning against the wall for support, blood oozing from his now broken nose and his bottom lip. The stranger pushed the boy's hunched body back up against the wall using his forearm, pressing against his throat. Kenny, meanwhile, was still processing the past few seconds. His ears were buzzing from the impact of the man's surprise attack to his face, the whole world blurred out into a grey watercolour palette. The boy was too busy trying to maintain consciousness that he barely held on to the words the man was spitting at him. 

    "Listen to me, Kenneth," the man practically growled, tightening his arm's grip against the blonde's throat. Kenny looked at the man. The man was in his forties maybe, ugly shit brown eyes that were surrounded by wrinkled skin. Kenny ignored the man's features and began to claw at the man's arm, trying to grip onto it hard enough to break free, but the man's thick coat stopped him from doing much at all.

   "You tell that fucked up piece of shit you call a father that this is his last warning. I'm tired of him not paying me back after all the shit I've done for his dumb ass." 

   The boy knew what this was about, despite the panic and fuzziness in his brain. His father had been getting people to smuggle in drugs for him and always promised to repay them sooner or later when in reality they could barely afford the food they ate. Kenny honestly didn't give a shit about this whole situation.  He knew his father wouldn't do anything about it and all this crazy fuck would do is give another "warning". Right now all he wanted to do was go home to his shithole of a home and clean all the blood that came from his lip and his broken nose.

  "Tell him three full payments by next Friday or next time I'll come after that precious daughter next."

   Kenny's blue eyes widened, filling with anger against the grotesque man who had his upper half pinned. ""


   This man could've shit talked to Kenny all day, not jabbing any nerves. Kenny would've just forgot about it at the end of the day. However, no one dared to even whisper Karen's presence within his hearing range for understood reasons. Kenny loved Karen. She was the only one he honestly gave a shit about and he would gladly die protecting her if he had to. 

  "What was that?"The man made an ugly smirk and looked into Kenny's eyes, small brown ones meeting his blue ones. 

   "I said no!" Kenny yelled out over the man's crushing arm. His anger fueled the embers inside him, lighting a fire. Kenny quickly grabbed onto the man's broad shoulders, jabbing his knee in between the man's legs, causing the man to release him to hold his crotch. Kenny took this as an opportunity to kick the man to the ground, sprinting away immediately afterwards.

    Kenny ran through neighbourhoods he had seen a million times before, taking no time to actually look at his surroundings. He could barely think of where he was actually going, he could only think of getting away from this man and keeping his sister away from him. He needed to get home. 

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