gray and me

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Hi I am avah and I like this guy name Grayson he is cute but my sister also likes him so I can't talk to him or go near him and I think he likes me to! But again I can't talk to him or go near him because it is all about my sister Allison and who she likes and all that but some day I am going to talk to him but I am kind of tired so I am going to take a nape and get ready for school also I think justin may also like me but I am so sad because I can't go near a guy I like. my sister Allison is so  mean anyway she is 20 Grayson is 18 and I am 18 we were meant to be and my sister is a little brat and she doesn't care about anyone but her self but the next day I  said hi and he said hi  but it got really acword but later he  asked me to go on a date  and I said yes and he said great see you later . the next day I said hi and he said hey and a week later we were holding hands and my sister was mad!!! And she said hey sis! Why  were u holding Grayson's hand and talking to him! Why can't I  talk to him ???? Why because I like him well! I like him to so!!! He's my age anyway so!!!!!! Well now I hate u sis OK!!  Hate is a strong word burn!!!! Haha very funny! Sis u new I liked him but u said stuff and went near him you are a 🐍! U really mean that?? Yes I do !! Fine now I will start kissing him like he asked me to!!! I wasn't going to do it but now I am!! Get out of my bedroom now Allison. Next day it school I saw Jake and Erika kissing and Logan and Alissa vilot kissing  but I want to be happy to. But Jake is my best friend and I don't want  to ruin our friendship and all that. Next day sorry  Grayson but I don't want to go out with u we are over. Over in the corner I heard yelling Erika was breaking up with Jake and she is dating Logan and Alissa vilot was not dating anyone . Then my sister got with Grayson and I got with Jake he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes he said great see u later 💜 OK  bye see u later meet me at the fontain! Later he said will u come to the party !! What party ? My party there will be beer food and pool party ! OK sure I will come! Great! Layer at the party I showed up and we danced swam then Erika came up and said hey see u are dating my sloppy seconds !! Well Grayson was my sloppy seconds so please don't say that about jake  OK! Sure avah!!!! Well Grayson is my boyfriend! Guess what Jake is my boyfriend! Great let me talk to Jake! No you will say something bad about me and lie

I won't! Yeah right. Jake!! Come here!!! She is trying to talk to u . who . Erika! Really. Yeah. Well let's go to the bedroom !! Why. Just because! OK. But I want some jack Daniels.  OK let's go get some. Jake I love u! We  lived with Anthony chance chad tessa  Erika Ethan grayson my kids were jerika and chanthony I had like so many followers and money  so it was the first day of school and we hung out all the time .I l

ved Jake but Erika came over to our lunch table and said to Jake hey there's a seat by me if u want it!!! I said back off he's mine not yours you had a turn but I heard from maycee u called him your sloppy seconds so if u really think I am just going to give away my boyfriend then you are fucking crazy !And I am pissed at her also maycee there's a another seat by me she glared at me then rolled her eyes and I said bitch the garbage is down stairs!!! Then Jake said I love u maycee sorry avah but I like her more I know u stuck up for me but u are rude to the team 10 members and me so move over to the garbage seat!!! Jake are we dating  yes or no. Maycee yes . OK well are we going to do anything .yea what you want to do?kiss!?!?sure come here!but those kids are mine right.yup! So we moved into the team 10 house with everyone two years later we had more kids 2 more chessa and tydus. I loved Jake but we had 4 kids 2/2 twins!! We got married had a wedding it was big there was music,beer,food, and people my family and his family. I loved Jake but there was something wrong but I didn't know what ..... I was scared!!! I asked  Erika why they broke up and she said " because he cheated on me with avah and you ." Really. Yea! I feel bad well u watch him like a hawk and I quit cheer so we voted and now your team caption. No I am going to miss you !!!  Wait!!! What????? Jake went to the bar last night and he was drunk so he must have cheated last night don't u think????Yah!! Because who brought him home ??? He didn't come home last night!!!! He didn't? No! Wow he's a player and a average and I know who he cheated on u with .who? avah!!!!!!! No way is m going to kill that bitch !!u? Yah. OK let's go . ( knocking) . who is it? Maycee oh hay girl!! Don't hey girl me bitch OK so suck it bitch yah also your kicked of the cheer team OK avah now stay away from me!! Also 4 words Fuck You Bitch ok

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