A/N- The gif above is when Stella sees Patrick.......
Everything had been erased, Patrick Gregor was no longer a criminal. Thanks to the help of Jade, Bruff, Parker and Stella's 10-year-old cousin, Kian.
Kian is a gamer and a hacker, Bruff contacted him a week ago to help the group get Patrick out.
Now Patrick is Bonnie's house (Stella's mother) talking about what happened while he was in prison
Of course, Stella had no idea that Patrick was now officially out of jail.
"I basically made everyone my bitch" Patrick said, smirking. But that smirk faded when he saw a photo of Stella with two kids.
"What is it Patrick?" Bonnie asked, the Irishman then looked at his mother in law.
"Are they mine?" Patrick asked. Bonnie knew what he was talking about, the kids Harry and Hermione.
"Yeah. Their your kids" Patrick smiled.
-Patrick's POV-
I couldn't believe it, i have two kids to the doppelganger that I'm in love with. I wonder if she found a boyfriend? I hope she didn't.
"Stella got a job yet?" I asked my mother in law.
"Yeah, she's an escort" Bonnie replied.
Fuck! My wife is an escort, bloody hell...
-Stella's POV-
I'm talking to the principal of the school my kids go to. Hermione had throat punched some girl for teasing her, while Harry broke a kid's arm for pushing him off the swing.
Harry and Hermione looked at me, yes, they were in the principal's office with me.
I turned to my kids, "Baby, what did that mean girl say to you?" I asked
"Missy Michaels was teasing me about my daddy, she said her daddy loves her and that i don't even have one"
"Mrs. Gregor, if their father was around what would the outcome be?" She asked.
"The same, he would have told them the same thing.... Next time, spit in her milk and put her in hospital" Hermione and Harry nodded.
I then looked at Harry, "Do more than break his arm next time, kiddo" I added, now looking at the principle.
"Your encouraging your children to harm other kids?" Mrs. Moore asked me, concerned
"Listen Mrs. Moore, i taught my kids to hit little cunts if they piss them off...I'm proud that they defended themselves" I spoke to the principle.
Mrs Moore looked shocked, mainly because i allow my children to defend themselves.
"If they do it again, both Harold and Hermione will be expelled, and I'll be making a phone call to child services" Mrs Moore said
"If those kids keep going, I'll knock out the parents" I replied, standing up as Harry and Hermione stood up too.
"C'mon let's go get some ice cream and then go to grandma's" I said as me and the kids walked out.
An hour later, we arrived at my mother house.
Hermione and Harry ran into the kitchen, going for freshly cooked chicken soup.
I stood their in the lounge room, i couldn't believe my eyes.
The man who was sitting on the couch was.....
"Patrick...." I muttered
Streetracers Assassins and the Government book 5
ActionStella's back from the parallel universe after 10 years, Patrick's in jail. What happens after 6 years?