The Day Before

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It was a nice warm Sunday evening, Amy was in the kitchen making these nasty tacos that we ate every.single.night. for dinner. I forced myself to eat them even though they were absolutely disgusting. Even P.J. hated them, and he still does! P.J. will eat literally everything other than these amylicious tacos, he eats old pizza and cheeseburgers he finds under his booger filled bed. Yes, I said booger filled. When he was younger (and probably still now), he would wipe his gooey, yellowish-green boogers on the bottom of his bed and sometimes the carpet. I used to yell at him and take away his gameboy every time I would catch him doing it, but that never stopped him. We basically tried everything, including giving him buckets full of tissues as well as a trash can. It didn't work. Anyways, back to Amy's bad cooking, We never have any food in the house for her or I to cook other than meat,cheese, and tortillas, so I was so so so surprised when Amy bought frozen fries for us to eat for dinner! I was smiling from ear to ear because I could eat the fries to fill me up, then throw away the tacos! As, I walked into the kitchen to grab some fries, I notice that my Amybug has put KETCHUP ALL OVER THE FRIES. EVERY SINGLE FRY COVERED WITH KETCHUP. IT WAS AN OUTRAGE!!! I HATED KETCHUP!!! Tomatoes gave me nightmares! So i calmly, walked back into the living room, and told Amy she is a disgusting,tomato loving, excuse for a wife. Then, I walked upstairs and went into the bathroom. I slammed the door shut. Pooping was a good thing when I was angry. I could just poop then be okay. Once I was done pooing, I walked back downstairs. Amy then went upstairs. As she walked through the hallway I heard a gag. I laughed so hard!!!!! SHE SMELT MY POOPY!!!! HAHHAA. I was still sooo hungry! So I decided to go get food from McDonalds. I got in my car and drove to the nearest McD's. As I pulled up to order my food in the drive thru, A lady walked out in front of my car. She screamed, "WATCH IT FAT MAN".  I hated her.

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