#1 How You Met Him

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Cameron: At school.

He was the new kid and you saw him looking around. He's clearly lost. You walk up to him and helped him around. You helped him around for the rest of the day.

Nash: At the park.

You took your little brother to the park. You spotted a cute boy with bright blue eyes with his little sister. He sees you and smiles. After a while he finally walks over and introduces himself.

Matthew: At the beach.

You and your friends went down to the beach. You had on your new bikini. You couldn't swim so your friends were out in the water without you. You were tanning minding your own business and all of a sudden a football landed a couple inches from your face and a guy tripped over you. "I'm so sorry!" He said sitting up next to you seeing if you were alright. You were about to rage when you looked up and noticed how cute this guy was. You laughed "It's fine. I'm (y/n)." He smiled "I'm Matthew, you can call me Matt."

Taylor: At the mall.

You and your best friend, (y/f/n) decided to go to the mall and shop around. You guys just got smoothies. You go to turn around them BAM! You ran into someone your smoothie went everywhere on them. You look up and noticed he's super cute. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry." He looked at you for a minute he had no emotion. His tie dyed shirt was covered in smoothie. You fixed your bandana and he smiled. "It's okay. I like your bandana." You smiled and noticed you both were wearing black bandanas. You laughed "I like yours too." You ended spending the rest of the day with him (y/f/n) and his friend.

Carter: At Taco Bell.

You worked at Taco Bell. You were working the front counter where you see a group of immature guys walk in. The come up to the front counter being obnoxious and hitting on you. You roll your eyes.

"Guys leave her alone." One said. You looked up to see him looking at him then at you. You smiled. They all order. The whole time they were there you were making eye contact and smiling. When they were all leaving he walked up to the counter. "I apologize for my friends actions." He said. "It's nothing I'm not used to." You laughed "I'm Carter. You must me (y/n)." He smiles and pointed to your name tag. You smile "Thats me." After talking a little you guy swapped numbers.

Shawn: A music store.

You were buying a new guitar. You were testing a bunch and playing random tunes. When a cute guy came around the corner singing the lyrics to the tone you were playing. You started singing with him. After you finished you smiled. "Hi I'm (y/n)." You said. "Shawn. You have a lovely voice." He smiled. "As do you!" You said. You guys talked and sang a little more. Before he left you got his number.

Aaron: The movies.

Your friend,(y/f/n) invited me to the movies with her, her boyfriend and her boyfriends friend. It took a lot of begging but you finally agreed. You got ready and (y/f/n) picked you up. You and your friend got your tickets and walked in. Your friend ran and jumped into her boyfriend arms. You walked over and stood next to your friend. "(y/n) this is Aaron." You looked him up and down. He was cute. You smiled "Hello." You said. "Hey." Aaron said. For the rest of the night you guys got along great.

Gilinsky: The fair.

You lost your friend at the fair. So you practically were walking around like a lost puppy. Finally after what seemed like an hour you came across your friend. But she wasn't alone. On one side she was holding hands with a blonde boy. On the other was a tall guy with brown hair and eyes. He was super cute. "Where have you been?" You asked. "Around. I found something for you. (Y/n) this is Jack." She said as she pointed to him. He smiled. "Hey. You can call me Gilinsky." He said. You smiled. "This is Jack." Your friend laughed pointed to the blonde one. You nodded. "Call me Johnson." He smiled. By the end of the night you and Gilinsky snuck away and went on rides together.

Johnson: A birthday party.

It was you best friends birthday. You knew a few people but not much. You walked around a little bit meeting new people when you can a cross a blonde boy. You made eye contact from across the room. You smiled so did he. When a few people called for the game 7 minutes in heave your stomach drop.

Everyone sat in a circle and just my luck (y/f/n) called on you to be first. You took a deep breath and spun the bottle. It spun around a few times then finally stopped. Everyone started saying "Oooo!" You were scared to see who was at the other end of the bottle. You looked up and made eye contact with the blonde boy from earlier. You smiled a little he led you to the closet. Nothing really happened you guys introduced yourselves and swapped numbers. He kisses your cheek and the 7 minutes were up.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2014 ⏰

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