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Mackenzie's POV


I rolled over and dismissed the alarm on my phone. Sitting up I rubbed my eyes and when I gained my surroundings I got up and went down the hall. I stood with the fridge door open just looking in it until I grabbed a bottle of water and an apple. Shutting the fridge I headed into the front room, grabbed my laptop off the charger and plopped onto the love seat. I took a bite of my apple as my laptop started up and I went straight to my calendar when it did. I had one photoshoot tomorrow and I was clear for the rest of the week. So next I went to my email and sent the file of pictures I took yesterday to Luka, the owner of an up and coming restaurant. I shut my laptop and turned the tv on as I continued to eat my apple. Just as I finished my apple and threw the core away, I barely heard my phone ring from my room. I quickly ran through the hall and to my room, grabbing my phone and immediately answered it.

"Mackenzie are you free Friday?" asked Kyle, my friend who usually send me jobs.

"I should be, why Kyle, do you have a job for me?" I asked, hoping he did.

"Yes I do," he began, "it's on a week cruise and the photographer who originally had it covered dropped it last second."

"You know I am not a big fan on cruise ships, a lot of people and I also tend to get sea sick," I told him.

"Well I know that but you now have medication that happens to help a lot and also there's a big reward for doing it," Kyle informed me.

I took a deep breath before asking, "and what shall that be Kyle?"

"You get a private cabin on the cruise and a pretty big check at the end of the week," Kyle said quickly catching my attention.

"Since it's Wednesday today and I have a scheduled shoot tomorrow and since it's a small one I was wondering if you had someone new who would cover it for me?" I asked really hoping I could get the day off to get ready and get organized.

"Yes sure I could find someone and thanks so much no one was willing to take this cruise cause it's so long and most of them are married. So no one was taking it and I needed a name before noon," Kyle said clearly revealed that I took it.

"Just email me the information and everything I need," I told him.

"I sure will and thanks a lot for taking this again cause if you didn't I would have had to take it and you know my skills aren't the best. That's why I tell fellow photographers jobs instead of me taking them. I also wouldn't want to leave Emily and Olivia for a whole week," Kyle said talking about his wife and 8 month old daughter.

"I know your skills and I wouldn't want to leave cute little Olivia behind if I were you either," I said smiling as I thought of Olivia.

"Ya and you're a lifesaver, saving me more times than I can count," Kyle said laughing.

"Well I better let you get me that information for the cruise so I can begin to prepare for it," I told Kyle.

"I'll get right to that, thanks again and goodbye," he said.

I told him goodbye and hung up, going into the front room and grabbing my laptop and the notepad and pen next to it. I wrote the date down and since I couldn't write nothing else I laid everything down on the table and decided to do laundry. Going to my room I grabbed my clothes basket of laundry and walked across the hall to the small area I called the laundry room. I started a load and went back into the front room.

I finished my bottle of water and I opened up the laptop to find an email from Kyle.

Miss Larson,

Cruise dates are Saturday the 15 through Friday 21, boarding will be Friday the 14 at 2pm. When you arrive at 2 you must find someone by the name of Elliot Jackson who will fill you in more. This all I know and I'll attach the address of the loading area and a picture of Elliot. Good luck and have fun but not too much fun!

Kyle Lukira

I replied to him and went to my room to start packing. I drug out my suitcase and camera bag, I grabbed and packed a few essentials that I would need. I then went into the laundry room and changed the laundry and added my second and final load into the washer.

Next on my list was to change and go for a run. I changed into a pair of leggings and a cut off, I threw my hair up into a ponytail and went to find my running shoes. I laced up my shoes, grabbed my phone and headphones and walked out the door.

I ran a big square that would total a little over two miles and when I reached the front door of my house, I desperately needed a shower. I was drenched from sweat and I never could figure out why I sweat so much. I could be playing basketball for maybe six minutes and be drenched.

I kicked my shoes off by the door to air out and dropped my stuff on the kitchen table and went and change the laundry. I grabbed a change of clothes and some towels from the closet and went to the bathroom to take a much needed shower.

When I finished my shower I threw my dirty clothes in the hamper and towed that back into my room. I loaded the dried clothes into a basket and went into the front room. I folded all my laundry and just dropped the basket on my bed so I could finish packing tomorrow.

I went into the kitchen and got the ingredients I needed to make myself a chicken salad and smoothie. I through the smoothie together and blended it before letting it set to put together the salad. Once I had everything ready I grabbed the salad and smoothie and crashed on the love seat, turning the news on.

I finished my late lunch and I threw the dishes in the sink and decided I would do some work with my camera and make sure I was all set and ready for this cruise.

When I was outside I decided I would go to the local lake and take a few shots and I'd do the same as soon as I get to the cruise, to get the lighting correct. When I reached the lake I simply snapped a few random pics and adjusted the setting before taking some more.

I spend an hour at the lake before deciding it was time to go home and finish packing. First was the memory cards cards I loaded up into the camera bag along with the camera and all the accessories. I packed all my clothes in one suitcase which surprised me and then I had my backpack with my laptop and other papers I thought I could work on when not taking pictures. I also threw in a book to read, I laid all three bags in the corner of my room so I could take them outside tomorrow.

Exhausted I went into the kitchen getting some water and crashed on the love seat. I turned on a basketball game that happen to be the Celtics, which I watch every so often because my father loved them. I pulled a blanket up around my shoulders and watched the game. 

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