New Job and New Feelings

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Donnie's POV

I shut the door behind me and Kenzie walked over to her bed and sat down, "I still can't believe I'll be working for thee New Kids."

"Believe it Kenz," I replied, "what I can't believe is that you won't be going now where. I'll be around my best friends for the first time since high school, but this won't end."

"I can agree with you in that, the whole gang is back, plus a few," she said taking her hair out of the bun. Her thick black hair fell around her shoulders and she ran her hands through it. "I am going to call Kyle and let him know what just happened."

"Well I really need a shower so I am going to go get one," I said.

"Ohh you can just take one here instead of walking to your room and back," she said immediately.

I thought about it before saying, "well I don't got no clothes, so I'll have to anyway."

"Okay hurry back," she said before quickly looking away.

"I will," and with that I left, shutting the door behind me. The whole walk back one question I kept asking myself was, did I see a blush? I went back and forth between the answer before settling on yes, yes she blushed.


After my shower I quickly changed into black sweats and a grey tee not even bothering to do anything to my hair. I left my room grabbing only my phone and wallet, shoving them into my pocket. When I reached Kenzie's door I knocked waiting for it to open.

When it opened I was immediately embraced in a hug. She finally let go and simply asked, "do you want a drink?"

I did so I followed her into the kitchen area and leaned on the counter as Kenzie went to the other side. She grabbed two glasses on the table and searched the fridge not finding what she wanted.

"They don't have it," she said before grabbing her money and walked towards the door.

I instinctively grab her, "where are you going?"

"To get some, something to drink," she said before pulling away, "I'll be right back alright Don."

She left and I went into the kitchen area and sat on the counter. Why did I try to stop her? What is this? What do I want this to be? I kept thinking as a battle raged inside. Sitting on the counter I finally came to a conclusion, I have to tell Kenzie what I've always wanted to say. Just then the door opened and Kenzie walked in ditching her shoes. Next she walked towards me and I recognized the bottle she had.

"What do you think about this," Kenzie said showing me the bottle before opening it. She poured the whisky in both the glasses and she handed me one as she took the other.

"A drink for the future ahead," I said holding my drink towards hers after sliding of the counter. "To the future," she said. With that I drowned it down in one gulp and sat the glass down.

"I need to talk with you," I told Kenzie and all she did was grab our glasses and the bottle and went to her bed.

I followed her and she sat the drinks on the bed stand, "start away."

"Well first off we should figure out what we are going to do tomorrow when we reach Boston," I said.

She turned around with the drinks and handed me mine, "Well I'll probably go home but I don't know what you guys have planned. Since I have this new job now I have to know my work schedule."

"I'll get that for ya," I said downing my drink. I exhaled deeply before telling her, "there's actually one more thing I'd like to talk about."

I handed her my glass and shook my head no and she asked, "what about?"

She sat out the drinks down and I grabbed her hands, pulling her towards me. "There's something I've always wanted to tell you but last time I was going to tell you I missed it. You moved to New York and I lost the courage to tell you so I just let you slip away. However this time I will not let you slip away from me again."

Kenzie smiled and asked me what I meant. I stood up and gently touched her cheek with my right hand as my heart began to speed up. I just looked at her as she looked at me and I tucked her hair behind her ear I began to leaned in. I started to second guess myself but I told myself I wasn't going to let her go again. I passed the point of no return as I brought my lips to hers.

I gently kissed her before she kissed me back, this had been the moment I've waited for since I lost her. I pulled away and I just rested my forehead against her and told her, "I missed my chance freshman year and there was no way I'd miss it again. I've always felt something around you and I only knew what it was when you moved away."

This time she kissed me before stepping back, "Donnie I just... I don't know what to say."

I immediately thought I did something wrong, "I am so so sorry if I crossed a line. I didn't mean too, I swear I won't do it again." I quickly stood up and started to walk towards the door.

"Don please don't.. it's not that," she began as I cut her off, "no it's okay I'll go. See you tomorrow Mackenzie." With that I left and I quickly walked back to my room and as soon as the door shut behind me I quickly slid down it. I started to beat myself up about it, why? Why did I have to do something wrong? I always do but why?

Mackenzie's POV

I first stood with my hands on the door before pacing from the bed to the door, over and over. I just needed to think, I didn't want him to leave. Why does Donnie have to be so stubborn?

I finally sat at the end of my bed, with my back against it. My mind was in overload, I love Donnie but then again I've only been around him the past few days. It feels like it's too fast but no I've always had feeling for Donnie and I never knew about how he felt towards me. He shocked me and it was a good shock cause I did kiss him back and I kissed him before, I messed the whole thing up.

I quickly got off the floor and didn't even bother putting shoes on, as I rushed out the door. I literally ran through the halls till I reached the guard outside Donnie room. At first he didn't let me till I told him my name and who I was.

Standing outside of his door I took a deep breath and knocked. After not getting an answer I tried opening the door and it was unlocked. However, it wouldn't budge so I knocked again and again.

This time the door opened and Donnie stood in the doorway with just his sweats on. I stood there until I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him to me, kissing him gently. I began to pull away and then Donnie kissed me back passionately.

This time I pulled away and I looked up at him, "Don I didn't want you to leave, I just had to think about what had happened. No I do not wish you haven't kissed me cause I've always had feeling for you but never knew how you felt."

He put his finger on my lips to silence me, "it has always been you, my heart was always yours. Time just got in the way, even though you moved away from me but you are always right here in my heart." He said touching his chest.

Before I could speak Donnie pulled me into his room and shut the door. He turned around to face me and he gave me a quick kiss, "please stay."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2018 ⏰

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