15 ~ Fuck You

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Y/N's pov

"Why would you do that, Damien? I told you not to go!" I yelled at my boyfriend.

"Well I didn't know it was gonna end that way now, did I?" He shouted back.

"But still, I told you no yet you still went. How did you think that made me feel?"
"Hmm, maybe, I don't know, angry?" He said sarcastically.

"Damn right! And you know that! I was furious when you didn't show up to work the next day. When I asked Wes where you were, he said you'd gone, and I almost didn't believe him. But you're Damien Haas, you don't listen to other people. You don't listen to me, you don't listen to Shayne, you only listen to yourself. You only do things based on your own thoughts and you never take into consideration what other people think."

My voice quietened down towards the end. I thought it was over, the arguing. I thought he'd finally caved in. But no, he kept yelling.

"I know you're right, but if I always listened to you, where would I get in life? I've gotta do some things for myself sometimes. I'm sick of you always trying to control me!"

I almost laughed.

"Control you? I try to keep you in line. Try to keep you from doing stupid things that'll get you into serious trouble." It was true. I tried to keep him in line all the time.

And this arguing went on for another 20 minutes before...

"You know what, Fuck you." He finally snapped and stormed out the front door of our apartment.

I stood there, dumbfounded, my mouth gaping open, eyes full of shock and hurt. My bison glazed over, and a single tear rolled down my face.

Shayne, who was listening to the whole conversation from his room, came rushing out.

"Y/N, Y/N are you okay? Y/N! Talk to me!" He kept repeating to me.

He slowly shuffled me over to the couch and sat me down carefully. After, what seems like hours, of Shayne just stroking my hair, I had finally gotten over the shock and was now crying.

I told him what had happened in more detail and he listens to everything. Damien said the last bit so quietly, so Shayne didn't hear it. And when I told him, he almost flipped.

"He what? I don't care if he's my best friend, I'll actually kill him!" He was almost out the door before I could catch him and it was too late.

I fell asleep on the couch that night, snuggled on the couch with Shayne, I felt safe.

The next day...

I arrived at work with Shayne, full face of makeup (if you don't wear any just skip it) and my usual clothes, as if nothing ever happened.

I said goodbye to Shayne and proceeded to the Games Office with a bounce in my step.

On the outside, I looked strangely optimistic, but on the inside, I was hurting, and I didn't think I could get through today. But still, I tried. I mean, what's life if we don't get up everyday and face the things we hate the most? It's pointless, that's what it is. If we don't face our fears, what are we ever gonna achieve?

"Morning," I said, walking through the door.

"Morning Y/N," my friends chorused back, except Damien. I glanced at him coldly, and turned away to my seat. Unfortunately it was next to him.

Throughout the day, we filmed a Maricraft video, which involves trying to defeat Elder Guardians. It was part of our series that we were doing, where we had a lot of different challenges and things, and we had to collect banners and nether stars and yeah. It was a bit confusing.

I never really spoke a whole lot during it, and neither did Damien. And we had our reasons, good ones too.

Finally our day finished. As soon as the clock hit 7:00pm, I grabbed my bag roughly and almost stormed out the door.

Of course I had wanted to talk to Damien all day but I couldn't. He made no move to talk to me, so why should I? He's the one who started it.


3 days, and I was now temporarily living with Boze. Her and Shayne were the only people who knew about it properly, but obviously people had been suspecting something was up.

"Boze! Come here!" I shouted from my room. A few moments later, a tiny body stumbled through the door.

"What? What's wrong?" She gasped for breath.
"Did you sprint like 20 feet to get to me? That's stupid," I told her, "Anyways, this, look." And I shoved my phone in her face.

It was open on Twitter, with a tweet from a fan with me and Damien tagged in it. It said;

@QueenWillBeQueen: yo, anyone seen @DamienHaas and @Y/NMiko together? They didn't speak to each other in Maricraft and I haven't seen them walking the streets, like I used to.

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"What? So even the fans know somethings up." She put my phone down on the bed.

"Listen, Y/N. Y'all gotta sort this out. Everyone at work knows something's going on, even Ian. I mean you HAD to tell him about your relationship, it's in the contract. But seriously, you're not yourself without Damien. He's your world, he can make you happy all the time. You both keep each other sane. You need each other, you know that." Boze told me sympathetically, testing her hand on my shoulder and looking deep into my eyes, "Think about it, ok?"

I knew she was right.

She slowly walked out the room, and I picked up my phone, opening my contacts to Damien's.


Y: Hey
Y: Can we talk?
Y: Damien?
Y: Are you ignoring me? I thought I meant something to you, even if we did argue.
D: Sorry, sure. When?
Y: Tonight? I'll come over.
D: Fine by me. See ya.
Y: Yeah, bye.

Hopefully it goes well...

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