part 1

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Star's excitement echoed throughout the house, startling Marco out of his peaceful spot on the couch, cutting his phone call with a distant friend short.
"Y-yeah it's, Star.  I'll call you back, let me know how it goes. Bye." Closing his phone, Marco makes his way to the kitchen where Star is bouncing on her toes endlessly. Once she notices him her smiles brightens and she pounces on him, squealing and waving a pink paper in the air.

"You've got a secret admirer!!!" She screams, "This is great!!!  Oh what if it's from Jackie? Ah I'm so happy for you! " Her giggling continues, hugging her friend tighter.

"S-Star,  c-can't breath-"

"Oh! Sorry, here read it!" She shrieks, shoving the little note in his face.

Marco looks at it nervously; hesitant taking it from her, he fumbles with it between his fingers, rubbing the corners before carefully peeling back the seal to reveal elegant cursive signed, Yours truly. It's contents causing Marco's heart to flutter, and his face to flush a faint rose color much like the parchment in his hand.

"N-no...I know Jackie's hand writing, this isn't hers."

"Really, I wonder who it's from." She muttered, peering over his shoulder to read the note.    "Your wondrous eyes set my heart ablaze, and melted my frozen soul. Your perfect smile could light a up even the darkest room. Wow...and this just goes on?"

He nods, staring at the words on the page and not believing that anyone could ever feel this way for him. "Who would write something like this?"

Star shrugs, "Not a clue, I doubt it's someone from school though. None of them are hopeless romantics like this." She laughs, walking over to the fridge to make herself something to eat.

Marco stared at the note a little while longer before getting up and going to his room, he pulls out an old shoe box from his closet that houses his first gi from when he was younger and placed the note on top of the old dusty uniform, before closing the lid and sliding it back into its hiding place.

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