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        Johnny was a bright little boy, with bright blue eyes and sandy blond hair; no wonder he was getting all the ladies in the neighbourhood! He seemed to live the perfect life: loving parents and playful siblings, and don't forget that dastardly, hot pink refrigerator.

However what the neighbours didn't know was that Johnny was being abused. Underneath the twinkling eyes and bright smiles lay a cruel family just waiting for Johnny's every move to go attack him. Johnny was locked inside of his room every single day, too afraid to come out in fear of what was outside. One day though, Johnny had finally mustered up the courage to go out. And so he crept outside into the dimly lit kitchen. At first, Johnny did not know what to do, but then he spotted it. The powdery white substance sitting in a clear, glass jar with the word sugar emblazoned onto; it's bold letters standing out instantly.

When Johnny took a small taste of it he knew that this — oh this — was absolutely wonderful!! A simple euphoric taste overcame his tastebuds as soon he ate it. Time seemed to stop ever so blissfully, leaving Johnny with the palatable taste lingering in him. Ever since that night Johnny began to sneak out more and more frequently and soon he became addicted. What Johnny did not know, was that he had been slowly dying until he had found the sugar. The sugar was his life source.

Johnny continued to proceed with his routine until things just got to far.

Papa slapped johnny across the face a fiery look set across his face.

"You disgust me Johnny." Papa spat in Johnny's face.

Johnny couldn't take it anymore, he had to leave this hellhole. Johnny quickly packed his bags, getting ready 'till the night so he would not be caught. Finally the clock struck midnight, the sky covered with clouds shaded in the utmost shade of black. Johnny quickly unlocked his door, looking side to side to see if anyone would've been awake. realizing there was no one, Johnny quickly stepped outside of the room and tiptoed to the door and opened it slightly. His heart beats erratically and his face now dawned with sweat and so, very slowly he walked to the outside.

Johnny couldn't believe it! He was free! Johnny quickly ran away from the house and never looked back.

But now, it was different. he had been so happy at the time all chubby and healthy. Now look at him; his face gaunt and pale, his body small and malnourished. At first, Johnny had thought he had lack of food but he ate and ate, oh he did. but within a few weeks here he was; a sickly, little old being. He had finally realized that he needed the sugar and that he needed to go back to the evils den: his home.

It was night time, all the neighbourhood was sound asleep unaware of the nearby lurking human. Johnny had crept around his home, trying to find a good way to enter. Johnny spotted an open window near the living room, bingo. He pushed himself up and slipped into the kitchen. Johnny headed to the kitchen, towards the drawer. There it was in all its glory, and Johnny quickly reached for it putting his fingers in the sweet powder.

He had been so caught up with his sugary treat that he did not notice the small sounds of someone walking. Suddenly the lights flashed on, Johnny was terrified. He could figure out it was a human in the shadows by the shape.

"Johnny Johnny?" Johnny knew that voice, it belonged to his one and only father. He replied with what he always said, when he was to fearful to step up and fight back.

"Yes Papa?" Johnny replied with a quivering voice. Johnny was horror stricken, his eyes large and wide staring at the dark sharp of Papa.

"Eating sugar?" Johnny slowly removed his finger from the sugar and dusted off the remains in powder.

He gulped and replied, "No Papa." hoping that the older man would let him be.

He heard his father walking and out came the man himself. Grinning eerily at Johnny waiting for his words.

"Telling lies?"Johnny could feel his heart slow down and he knew that it was the end.

And very quietly Johnny said, "No Papa,"

In an instant the man ran towards him holding Johnny's jaw, threatening to break it.

"Open your mouth!" Papa hissed at Johnny. However, Johnny's answer was different than what was expected.

It came out long and dreary too quiet to hear a thing.

"Say it again!" Papa screamed holding Johnny's jaw even tighter.

"Ha ha ha," Papa softened his hold on the boy and narrowed his eyes, his face so close Johnny could feel his breath.

"What did you say?"

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Papa dropped the laughing child and quickly scrambled away.

"Ha ha ha," Johnny continued. His father laid on the ground, beads of sweat forming around his head.

"Ha ha ha."

The next day, only the bones of Papa remained and all of the sugar gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2018 ⏰

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