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Request by Violet_Silvermoon

Geno's POV

I've been trying to find a way to get out of the save screen for what feels like weeks. I don't actually know how long its been, or if any time passed at all. I dropped a gold piece but it didn't fall, it just stayed there in mid air. I lay on the black void of a floor not knowing what else to do. I close my eyes and dream of home before the human feel down, before the resets, when everything was new and happy. I feel a tear fall down the side of my face as I remember my brother when we where younger. *tinnnng!~~~~* i hear the sound of the gold piece drop and shoot up quickly looking around. There's nothing, no one, I get up and go to the gold piece that fell, I pick it up and drop it and it stays in mid air again. "That's unusual." I jump what felt like 10 feet up when I hear a voice behind me. I quickly look around to see another skeleton that looked weirdly a lot like me but he was wearing a black cloak like a grim reaper or something. "Who the hell!?" I yelled, he chuckled "heh! Sorry, didn't mean to scare you half to death." He laughed then waited for a response but I just looked at him confused. Realization hit him "oh ya you don't know who I am so that pun wouldn't be very funny." He continued "names Sans, Sans the god of death. but everyone calls me Reaper these days. And your Geno right?" "ya?" I answer and he looked disappointed or sad? "Shame. your on the list of souls I have to reap." he said, I was surprised but I'm not sure why, just like the gold piece is stuck in time forever falling I'm stuck forever dying. "But I don't really care about reaping any souls, also you're too cute to reap." He said winking at me. "What?!" I  blushed red "we just met! That's awfully forward of you!" I raised my voice without meaning to. "Ya I guess. But what's the point of keeping it to myself if its true?" He teased, I pouted "also if you're just keeping me alive because you like me than you're really bad at your job!" I crossed my arms unimpressed. "Well that's nothing new, I suck at my job anyway. I'm too lazy to reap souls all th' time. Actually I was supposed to reap your soul last week." he said scratching the back of his skull. "Actually this place seems kinda slow, how bout I take you for Lunch?" He asked blushing slightly, I started blushing too when I realized he was 'asking me out.' "W-well it has been a while since I've eaten anything. But I'm only going with you cuz I'm hungry! So don't think anything about it!" I yell at him making sure he knows it's not a date. But would a date with him really be all that bad? I think to myself then mentally slap myself for even considering going on a date with this lazy flirt. He shrugs "alright." then he opens a portal, I hear the gold peace drop from its place again and he reaches a hand out for me to take it. I resistantly took his hand and he lead me through the portal.

I squint at the bright light and blink a few times to get used to it, when I'm finally able to see I look around and see water as far as the eye can see, I see clouds and the sun. I can only assume this is the surface and I'm pretty sure the water is called the sea or the ocean. "Wow..." Is all I can say, I look at Reaper and realize he's staring at me with a soft smile. "Never seen the ocean before?" He asked "no." I replied looking back at the waves hit rocks and sand on the beach. "Most monsters in the underground get excited to see the stars at night, but I find the relaxing waves are just as good." he explained, I nod in agreement. I feel him place his hand on mine and turn to him, I looked at his face and his calm smile and tired eye sockets. Without thinking I lean in and kiss him and he kissed me back, my soul started pounding faster and I broke the kiss quietly. My face was covered in blush and his looked slightly confused. "I already said this wasn't a date! So can we please just go get some food and be over with it?!" I yell "but you kissed me." He laughed to himself "shut up! No I didn't! You kissed me!" I insist "okay, okay, we can go get food." He sighs then leads me in a direction to hopefully food "this isn't a date." "Keep telling yourself that." "Shut up!" We walk to a restaurant and we ordered some food, after we where done Reaper asked me if I had anywhere to go apart from the save screen, I told him no and he offered me to come live with him in a apartment. I was resistant but accepted since I don't have enough money to go to a inn or motel. We ended up living together for months and months eventually turned too years, as much as I hate to admit it, I do like him... I like him a lot.

Shut up!

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