Akabane Karma

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Your POV

It was a regular day for me. Or so I thought it was. I woke up early and got dressed, did my hair and went downstairs for breakfast. Before heading to school I said goodbye to my parents and headed out. I said hello to some of the people in my neighborhood before running off to the school. I hiked up the mountain next to the main school. And headed in the doors of the building. I swung the door open. Above me, a sign shook. "E-Class" was wroten neatly on it. "I'm Here!" I declared happily. "Oh, Good morning L/n-Chan." Nagisa greeted me. "Ohayo, Y/n!" Kayano said after Nagisa. "Good Morning everyone!" I smiled. I soon took my seat and Koro-Sensei entered the room and we began class. 

Class went by fast and soon we were having lunch. We talked about random stuff. Until the topic of Karma came up. Karma... My childhood enemy. When we were kids we were forced to hang out because our moms knew each other. He always had a cocky personality but lately, it was worse. Recently he got suspended and moved to E class for injuring a student. Him and I were in the same class... A class...Until we were both moved of course. "I totally ship Y/n and Karma-Kun" Kayano said, bringing me out of my thoughts. "WHAT?!" I screeched. "I do too." Nagisa said as well. "W-what no." I stood my guard. "They would be a cute couple." Isogai joined in. "No w-what," I paused thinking of what to say "I hate him!" I blurted out. They laughed. "I heard Karma is coming back soon." Maehara walked over. "From his suspension?" I asked. Maehara nodded. "Must've done something really bad to be suspended for that long." Maehara leaned back. "Yeah, I was there." I sighed before continuing to eat.

Gym, my least favorite. Koro-Sensei set way too high of standards for us. It was super hard for me to keep up. And I don't think I was the only one... I was finished with my exercises when Kayano called me over to help her. "Y/n I don't understand how to do this..." She dramatically cried. "It's not that difficult, here let me show you." I helped her out a bit and finally left her. I was now sitting in the middle of the field doing nothing. So when Koro-Sensei wasn't looking I got out my phone and gun and started looking at my phone while trying to snipe Koro-Sensei. Until he took them both away from me. "No phones," He grabbed my phone, "And no weapons during class." He took my sniper rifle. "You can collect these after school." He declared. "Awwww but I finished everything!" I whined. "Then go over it again." He turned around and helped everyone else. I ended up going toward's the ledge and looking out at the trees.

"L/n-Chan!" Nagisa Shiota yelled for me from across the field. "Yes, Nagisa-Kun?" I spun around and walked towards him not noticing the person in front of him. "Uh...." Nagisa looked at the other person and then back at me. "Nagisa-Kun, you okay?" I asked him while tilting my head. He just stared at the person in front of him. Finally, I turned my head and looked at the person. There was no mistaking that red hair. Akabane Karma. "Oh... You're back..." I had an almost disgusted tone in my voice. "I missed you too, Y/n." He smirked.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2018 ⏰

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